Today in the United States, we celebrate Memorial Day. It’s sort of the unofficial start of summer. Kids get out of school, families begin taking vacations, and many people will flock to the lakes for boating, skiing, and cookouts.
But this is not a holiday to be taken lightly. It began as Decoration Day back in 1868 when our country was trying to heal itself from the wounds of the civil war. In 1971, President Lyndon Johnson signed a law making Memorial Day a federal holiday. The day is a time for us as a nation to honor those who died in service for our country.
If you are celebrating today with family or friends, don’t forget what this is all about. It’s been said a picture says a thousand words, so I’ll leave you with a few photos taken mostly in Arlington National Cemetery and Washington, DC.

Boy Scouts place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The Changing of the Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery

A memorial to those who died while attempting to rescue American hostages in Iran.

The Vietnam Memorial, Washington, DC

Portion of the Vietnam Wall, Washington, DC

Korean War Memorial, Washington, DC

Marine Corps Memorial, Washington, DC
6 Responses
Poignant reflection on the importance of the day. Thank you for sharing the post and pictures.
That trip meant so much to us. Seeing the graves of those who served our country, the tributes to our Armed Forces. Words can’t describe. We were blessed to have our nephew serve as our tour guide while there. He spent twenty-one years in the Army and still works for them as a civilian. Currently deployed to Afghanistan. We are thankful we can honor him on Veterans Day and not have to remember him on Memorial Day.
I was there once, when I was young. The gravitas was lost on me then, but the pictures stir up so many feelings. I’d like to go back as an adult and experience it all again.
And I agree; it’s far preferable to honor our living military and retired military on their days than to remember the fallen today. Today is sad, but SO important.
I think I appreciated it so much more as an adult than I would have as a child or a teenager.
Thanks for the heartfelt post, Joan!
Our trip to DC was one to remember. So much history, so much of what makes our nation strong. Wouldn’t take for being able to see these places.