Okay, last week it was an Eagles’ song. This week, I turn to the Beatles for the title inspiration. I promise I don’t have a musical theme going here, but it seemed appropriate for what I’m about to ask.

The first draft of Unclear Purposes is complete. I sent the final chapters to my critique partners this past weekend and have already received their feedback. Needless to say, I’m busy with edits with a planned release date around Memorial Day.

In the meantime, I’ll reveal the cover next week. And that’s where you come in. I would be grateful to anyone who would like to help me spread the word with a blog post. If you’re interested, send an email to Joan(at)joanhall(dot)net. In turn, I’ll send you a jpeg image of the cover and the book blurb.

The scheduled cover reveal date is next Tuesday, May 7. If you can’t fit that date, then anytime next week as long as it’s after Tuesday. For now, here’s a “sneak” peak.

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14 Responses

  1. A Memorial Day release sounds wonderful! How exciting!

    And, of course, I’m in on May 7th. I’ll shoot you an email 🙂


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