Hey, everyone! Welcome to Friday! Last week, fellow author and Story Empire contributor made a comment that sparked an idea. I’ve been posting links to my own site, Story Empire, and other helpful writing posts.

Thanks to Craig, I’m going to add a new section for random blog posts that caught my attention. They could be short fiction, news about a book launch or upcoming release, or something that inspired me, or just for fun. Thanks, Craig!

I took this photo a few years ago on a September morning at a nearby nature preserve. It’s another favorite place to walk with lots of walking and horseback riding trails. There’s a small fishing pond and an anbundance of wildlife – including an aligator.

No stories set in or inspired by this local as yet, but who knows?

For now, let’s get to this week’s links:

On this site:

From Story Empire:

From Other Writing Sites:

Random Posts:

  • Nicholas C. Rossis has created a reader poll. He’s passionate about helping fellow authors.
  • C S Boyack has a new release and is making appearances around the web. Check out his blog for more information.
  • Marcia Meara has a regular Friday feature, First Line Friday where readers have the opportunity to win free books. Click here to learn how to participate.
  • Michele Jones writes flash fiction on her blog. Check out her most recednt story.
  • John Howell shares views of his neighborhood each Sunday. Click to see this week’s edition.

Enjoy the weekend!

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28 Responses

  1. What a great weekly round-up, Joan! Starting with another of your wonderful photos! I love a sunrise, even more than a sunset. One is an ending, but the other is a new beginning and a chance to learn new things, laugh new laughs, and do it all better than you did the day before.

    And great links this week. Thanks so much for including the link to #FirstLineFriday on The Write Stuff. I love doing this quiz and have a new one about to go live in 5 minutes or so. (Don’t forget to check it out yourself!) πŸ˜€

    Passing this post along as soon as the quiz is over! πŸ™‚ <3

      • So glad you’re enjoying them, Joan. This week’s seems to be a puzzler. So far, no correct answers. It will be interesting to see if it’s because no one has read the book, or because they just can’t pull this one up. But still, I love reading a great opening line, and that’s half the fun of this quiz, I think. πŸ˜€ <3

  2. Great shot. I keep focusing on the alligator when you talked about a story. I bet you will come up with something:)

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