Hey everyone. It’s Friday again! I’m always glad for weekends. We’ve had lots of rain in the past two weeks. Nothing like our friends in the deep south, but nonetheless, I could use some sunshine.

There’s a river not far from our house that often floods during the rainy season. Hubs and I drove there a few days ago to take a look. This isn’t the highest I’ve seen the water, but it’s enough to close the road. I’m sure the water level has risen even more since then.

Well, enough about the weather. It’s time for this week’s links.

On this site:

On Story Empire:

On Other Terrific Sites:

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23 Responses

    • You guys have had it so much worse. I’m looking forward to spring and warmer weather. Hopefully, this won’t be a bad year for tornadoes.

      Thanks for reblogging!

  1. We are so fortunate to have sunshine right now, the wet weather behind us. Although with spring rains ahead, I think we all might see more of flooding on the horizon. Stay safe and dry, Joan. Happy Friday!

  2. Sorry about the rain, Joan. We have our Rainy Season, too. And then it segues into Hurricane Season. 😯 But right now it’s Anything Goes Season. Yesterday, sunny and a hot 82 degrees. Today, gray and gloomy, and a 30 degree temperature drop to 52! A bit of rain, but so far, nothing too bad.

    Great weekly update, as usual! Thanks for making Finding Hunter part of your week, and for gathering together all these cool places to visit. I’ll be reblogging after #FirstLineFriday closes. These are too good not to share. 🙂 <3

  3. Sorry about your weather, Joan. Usually we’re experiencing a lot of rain, but not nearly what you write about. There have been areas of flooding in parts of Oregon, but not near us here in the Willamette Valley area.

    Loved your list of links. Have bookmarked this post to come back and check out some of them.

  4. Reblogged this on The Write Stuff and commented:

    Wonderful Weekly Update from Joan Hall, with some super links. Be sure to check them out. I found 17 Speedy Book Marketing Ideas to be very useful! After you’ve had a look around, pass them along, thanks! And thanks, Joan for another super post! 🙂 <3

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