Hey, everyone! I’m super excited to have a brand new guest on my site today. Jan Sikes isn’t new to the industry, but this is her first time here. She has not only one, but two new releases. I read both over the weekend and highly recommend them. Please welcome Jan.

Hi, Joan! Thank you so much for having me as a guest on your blogsite today! I am honored.

I have discovered that I truly love writing short stories. So, I look forward to the RRBC 90-Day Alpha/Omega Beginning To End Short Story Contest every year as it gives me the push I need to keep creating. One of the things I love most about writing short stories is that it gives me the opportunity to explore different genres. This time I wrote a Western. That is a first for me. I have to say that I enjoyed it immensely.


War-torn drifter, Jack McClean is left with nothing but bad memories, scars, and a restless soul. When he stumbles upon a burning homestead, and an unconscious woman, beside the Clear Fork of the Brazos River, he stops to render aid. Grieving widow, Savannah Logan, sees no reason to live, and only wants to join her husband and children in their graves. But, Jack refuses to let her die. In saving her, he might somehow find redemption for himself and hope for a new tomorrow. Is it possible that both Jack and Savannah can find a new destiny in the changeable flow of the Brazos wind?



The second short story I wrote for this contest is one of complicated family dynamics. The inspiration for this tale came from a conversation with a family member last year.


Quentin Marks’ mother can only love one son, and from the day Rowdy was born, she makes Quentin, his little brother’s keeper. She demands that Quentin fix every problem for Rowdy and that he also protect him. The truth is, after a deadly snakebite, Quentin owes his very life to his little brother, a debt that will never be paid in full. Only now a man is dead, and once again, their mother calls on Quentin to make the problem go away and save Rowdy from prison. When is enough enough, and how much of his own life will Quentin Marks have to sacrifice?



Jan Sikes is an award-winning Texas author who has been called a wordsmith by her peers. She openly admits that she never set out in life to be an author. But she had a story to tell. Not just any story, but a true story that rivals any fiction creation. You simply can’t make this stuff up. It all happened. She chose to create fictitious characters to tell the story through, and they bring the intricately woven tale to life in an entertaining way. She released a series of music CDs to accompany the four biographical fiction books and then published a book of poetry and art to complete the story circle.

And now that the story is told, this author can’t find a way to put down the pen. She continues to write fiction and has published many short stories with a series of novels waiting in the wings. She is a member of Authors Marketing Guild, The Writer’s League of Texas, the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB (RRBC), the RAVE WRITER’S INT’L SOCIETY OF AUTHOR (RWISA), sits on the RWISA Executive Council and hosts a monthly RAVE WAVES blog talk radio show, ASPIRE TO INSPIRE.








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45 Responses

  1. These look like two fun short stories. I’ve read a Soldier’s Children and thoroughly enjoyed it. Best of luck to Jan with everything.
    Thanks for showcasing Jan today, Joan πŸ™‚

  2. I’ve read several of Jan’s books and enjoyed each. Thank you, Joan, for showcasing her latest work. I will be reading them soon. β™₯

  3. I’ve been asked to write westerns before (once for a magazine and twice for anthologies). After completing two of the three projects, I threw in the towel. Westerns are hard to write. Kudos to Jan for both new releases and an amazing body of work.

    Thanks for hosting, Joan.

    • Thank you for your comment, Staci! My sister writes exclusively western romance, so I’ve had a lot of experience reading her large catalog of work. πŸ™‚ It was fun to put myself back in that time period.

      • That’s great your sister can do that. And you, too. I can’t imagine what it would take for me to try another western. I think my attempts were the most frustrated I’ve ever been as a writer.

        Gotta love that about our industry, though. There’s a niche for everyone. Wishing you all the best, Jan.

    • I remember your story for the Unshod anthology and I thought it was great. You know of course, I chose to write a modern day story for that one!

  4. Hi, Joan! Thank you again, for opening your beautiful blog site to me to share my new stories and thank you for the kind words and reviews!

  5. The stories are really different from each other but both sound interesting. A Western would take a lot of research. You’re a brave writer:) Good luck with your work!

  6. Wow! I’ve been out of touch recently as we’ve had some family matters to attend to. I had no idea Jan had two new releases out. I just hopped over to Amazon and grabbed both of them. I used to write a ton of western short stories back in the day (along with one full length novel). I still enjoy reading westerns, and look forward to discovering both of these stories which appear very different from each other. I’m backed up on my TBR right now but I know they’ll be exceptional. Jan always tells a good tale.

    Thanks for sharing, Joan, and a huge congrats to Jan!

    • Whoo hoo! You just made my day, Mae!! Thank you for purchasing my short stories. I truly hope you enjoy them both. And yes, they are both totally different. I enjoyed writing them! Thank you!

    • I read both of them this weekend, Mae. Very short and easy to read. I’ve never tried writing a western except for a “modern-day” one for an anthology. Haven’t read a lot of them but I do love to watch western movies.

  7. Congrats on your new releases, Jan! Both were great reads I recommend. Thanks for hosting, Joan.

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