Hey, everyone. During the past few months, I’ve read several books. It’s been a while since I posted a review here, and I have several to share. Today I’ll share my reviews of two legal thrillers, both by authors I haven’t read before.

A Killer’s Wife by Victor Methos

This was the first book I’ve read by this author. The premise of the story sounded promising, so I decided to give it a try.

Federal prosecutor Jessica Yardley created a new life with her daughter after her husband went to prison for a series of brutal murders. She’s well-respected and good in her field. When two new homicides occur, the killer appears to be a copycat criminal of her now ex-husband.

FBI agent Cason Baldwin, with whom Jessica has a past relationship, enlists her help. He wants her to talk with the ex-husband in hopes the psychopathic killer will point them to the new murderer.

Numerous times I wanted to give up on this book. The author is in need of a good content editor. I got bogged down by the numerous repetitive words. Consider the following passage:

“Yardley stood outside the bedroom doors. Double doors, white with copper trim. She pictured Isaac in the morning opening both doors and what he must’ve seen. She took both knobs and pushed the doors open, the way a child might.”

Or this:

“Yardley knew she was lucky to be a federal prosecutor. The state prosecutors were overworked and had little time to help in any investigations or interviews. Federal prosecutors could pick and choose their cases and take all the time they needed. Whereas a state prosecutor might interview a victim once before a trial, Yardley could interview a victim ten times if she wanted. She could send the FBI to collect evidence she required and turn down cases she felt didn’t need to be prosecuted. As a state prosecutor, she wouldn’t have had the time to help Baldwin.”

Those are just two examples. I wouldn’t want to bore you with more of them. Another problem I had was the author’s use of the main character’s last name, which by the way, was repeated time and time again within a passage. Methos doesn’t seem to know how to use a pronoun.

Nonetheless, I kept reading. I guessed the killer’s identity early on (wasn’t difficult) but what did surprise me was Methos revealed the killer halfway into the book. Curious, I continued reading to see what he was going to do.

What follows is unbelievable. A federal prosecutor doing investigations, obtaining search warrants, and conducting the search herself without backup, and being allowed to prosecute a crime in which she had a personal involvement with the killer.

I also didn’t like the ending. Too many loose threads, which leads me to believe there will be a continuation of this story in the second book which is scheduled for release in 2021. I will not waste my time reading it.

I wavered between two and three stars for this one, finally selecting three because I won’t base ratings solely on personal preferences.

Amazon Link

Legacy of Lies (Bochepus Haynes Book One) by Robert Bailey

Having been a fan of John Gresham for a number of years, I decided to give this author a try.

Disgraced attorney Bochephus Haynes returns to his home town of Pulaski, Tennessee to defend his friend, District Attorney Helen Lewis, who is accused of murdering her ex-husband. Crime and corruption know no bounds and this small-town setting is no exception.

While the book contains more scenes involving the investigation rather than the courtroom, it doesn’t make it any less of a legal thriller. The story is compelling, the action well-paced, and the characters well-developed.

And the ending? Well, let’s just say it was quite a surprise.

Although some reviewers were turned off by some of the backstory, not having read any of Bailey’s earlier series, I didn’t find this intrusive.

Legacy of Lies is the first of the Bocephus Haynes series, but could easily be read as a stand-alone novel. I look forward to the next book, scheduled for release in 2021.

Four stars for this one.

Amazon Link

That’s it

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24 Responses

  1. That’s a real shame about the Victor Methos book. The first I ever read of his blew me away, and he has so many good ones. That’s two of his now that are not that good. He seems to be one of those writers who swings between brilliance and mediocrity. Makes me sorry I recommended him now.

    Legacy of LIes sounds good but the back story would probably put me right off.

    Better luck with your future reads, Joan 🙂

    • The Methos book had promise, but he needed a good editor. And I hate when books are left with too many loose ends. No need to apologize for the recommendation.

      If I had read other books by Bailey, the back story probably would have bothered me as well.

  2. You don’t pull your punches do you, Joan? Refreshing to read your honest opinion of the first book, the second one didn’t impress me much either though…

    • I liked Baley’s book, but I also used to read a lot of John Gresham. I usually don’t post anything less than a four-star review, but I couldn’t believe the redundancy in this book.

  3. Too bad about that first book. I’d be interested in knowing the editing and publishing process for it. The second one sounds really good, though. I used to really enjoy Grisham and Turrow; Bailey seems like a similar author. Thanks for sharing.

    • I’m bad about word echoes but fortunately my critique parters are good at catching them. However, I don’t think I’ve done as many as those examples in a passagle.

  4. I have another of Victor Methos books on my TBR list. I’m curious if I will run into the same issues, Joan. Thanks for sharing:)

    • Harmony said she’s read several of his books that are good. Don’t know if he got careless with this one or not. Hopefully, the one you have will be better.

  5. Surprise ending are always a huge plus. It sounds like you really enjoyed Legacy of Lies.
    It’s a shame A Killer’s Wife didn’t measure up, but I’ve encountered a number of books in the same vein and it’s always a disappointment….especially when you’re looking forward to the story. Good reviews, Joan!

  6. Great reviews, Joan! I appreciate your honesty on the first one.

    The setting for Bailey’s book, Pulaski, TN, is the town in which the college I attended is located. It’s also the town where the KKK was founded. You’ve got me intrigued by this one. I’ve put it on my TBR list.

    • I enjoyed it. He does mention some problems with the KKK. What college did you attend?

      Ironically, both books have the same publisher. Guess the authors had different editors.

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