Hey, readers. I almost didn’t write this post after looking back at my 2022 goals. I’d planned to write and publish two books last year, a short story collection and the second book of the Legends of Maderia series, but I didn’t publish a single title.
When I read Staci Troilo’s plans for 2023, I felt inspired to post this. I hope to look back in January 2024 and see that I exceed my goals. So, here they are.
Writing and Publishing
Menagerie releases next week and is now available for preorder, so I’m already ahead of 2022 on publishing. Writing these stories took most of the year, which obviously wasn’t a good year writing-wise (or at least productivity-wise). Honestly, the eight months I worked at my previous job were probably the hardest in my twenty-plus years there. Maybe it was because I’d planned to retire. It took a few weeks to “recover.” That’s behind me now, and I love retirement.
I’m ready to delve into the pages of Blood Red Dawn, the second full-length novel of the Legends of Maderia series. The goal is to publish it later this year. I had planned to write four Legends books, but I’ve decided to stop at three. I “might” write another short story to go along with the series, but I haven’t decided. Book Three’s title is Edge of Twilight. My plan is to write the draft this year and publish it in early 2024.
The previously planned fourth Legends book will become a stand-alone novel. I’m excited about it. I’ve not written a stand-alone book, save The Stranger which is novella length. I also have three stories that I planned to include in Menagerie, but when I began writing them, I realized they needed to be longer than 10K words.
One of those stories is part of a secret project that you’ll hear more about later on. As of now, there’s no release date planned. A second story will become another stand-alone novel, and the third a possible novelette or novella.
I plan to continue my Mystery Monday/Legends and Lore posts. I enjoy researching and writing those. The first one of 2023 will be next Monday. I also plan to make this a weekly post rather than twice a month. I already have a list of topics that I hope you’ll find intriguing.
Along the line of blogging, I love to support other authors, and I’m happy to do so here. If you have a new release and would like for me to host you, just contact me. A contact form is at the bottom of this page.
One of my goals for the year is to build my mailing list and publish a monthly newsletter. I’ve had good intentions on this for a while, but always fall short. This is going to be the year I succeed. If you’re interested in signing up, just click this link. Future plans for the letter will include some giveaways and possibly some unpublished short stories that I’ll send only to subscribers.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the word, creativity. As an author, I automatically think of writing when it comes to being creative, but the word encompasses much more. I’m declaring 2023 as the year of creativity and I want to keep my creative juices flowing. See you next week, and I hope 2023 is a productive year for you as well.
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48 Responses
I need to think long and hard about the coming year and what I might do with it. Somehow, though, it’s not happening and I’m not sure what to do about it. My instincts say to wait and see, but that’s not reassuring…
So sorry. I know the feeling. I was sort of that way last year. Honestly, there were times when I wanted to stop writing, but I hung in there.
I will never want to stop writing, it’s everything else really, Joan…
Understandable. I hope things improve for you.
I hope so too, Joan. We are getting a little fed up, waiting for life to catch up with us…
Take one day at a time. Sometimes, reaching tomorrow is a victory. Hang in there! Love and hugs 💕🙂
That’s so true, Harmony!
Bless you, Harmony…
Hi Joan, it looks like you have a a good set of goals for 2023. Wishing you all the very best with them.
Thanks so much, Robbie. Wishing you all the best for this year as well.
Thanks for the shout-out, Joan.
I know you didn’t publish last year, but you worked HARD. Now it’s time for the payoff. Congratulations on Menagerie, and best wishes on your goals for this year.
You inspired me! You often inspire me. Last year was tough, work-wise. Glad I don’t have to deal with that anymore.
That’s one of the nicest things you could have said to me. Thank you.
And I’m happy for you. You’ve seemed so much more light-hearted since retiring.
You just don’t know. I didn’t realize the stress I was under. And it’s true. You often inspire me. Of course now, you’ll have to help keep me motivated. 😉
I don’t KNOW, but I did SENSE it. You just seem a lot more relaxed.
And of course I’ll help keep you motivated. But I need you to return the favor!
You’ve got it!
These goals seem realistic. All the best for accomplishing them! I look forward to more Mystery Mondays.
Thank you, Liz. I enjoy doing those posts.
You’re welcome, Joan.
All the best with your goals, and I think you have creativity in abundance.
Thanks, Craig. it’s getting that creativity from my brain to the computer. 🙂
Last year my resolution was to try to work more on my WIP and that didn’t go as planned. I only got around to working on it a couple of times. 😅 I think I will try again this year, though, or at least try to get more creative writing of some type done.
Last year for you sounds a lot like it was for me. Wishing you all the best.
Wishing you all the best with your goals for 2023, Joan! I joined your club (retirement) last month and I must say, things are busier now than when I was working outside the home. Happy New Year!
Congratulations, Jill! There’s nothing like retirement. I love it. Judi Lynn warned me I wouldn’t have as much time as I thought. She was correct. Sometimes I wonder where the time goes.
Your goals sound great. Huge congratulations on publishing Menagerie, Joan! I’m sure you’ll settle into your new routines as the year goes on. Here’s to a creative 2023. Hugs 💕🙂
Thanks, Harmony! Wishing all of us a productive year.
Your goals inspire me to do something similar. They are great, Joan. I’m excited to read Menagerie. I’ve preordered and can’t wait. Congratulations! 🎉🎊🎉
It helps to set goals, Gwen. The key is not to beat yourself up if you don’t reach them. Life happens and sometimes even with our best intentions, we can’t do everything.
Glad you’re looking forward to Menagerie.
It all sounds good, Joan. Have a CREATIVE 2023!
Thanks, Priscilla. Wishing you the same!
These sound like realistic goals. It’s nice to have specific goals to aim for. Good luck with them!
Thanks, Judi. I know that even with retirement, I need to discipline myself by putting my butt in the chair and writing! 🙂
It’s always great to have goals set, Joan. I have no doubt you’ll tackle these head on, and I look forward to all the and succeed. I can feel your creative energy and excitement bursting off the screen. Here’s to a wonderful 2023!
Thank you so much, Mae. It’s nice to have friends cheering me on.
I love this post so much, Joan! It changes our perspective, sometimes, by looking back at the year past. Sounds like we have lots to look forward from you in 2023!! I’ve gotten my copy of the short story collection pre-ordered and am thrilled there will be another novel in the Legend of Maderia series! Best Wishes!
Thanks, Jan. I look forward to writing the next Legends book. I also look forward to getting that series behind me and moving on to something new.
The definition of a goal is our aim or desired result. When we set a target, plenty of factors may disrupt or distract us from getting to where we want to go. That’s part of life. It hardly means we’ve failed; we simply reload, adjust our ambitions if needed, and try again. Best of luck in 2023, Joan.
Thanks for the good wishes, Pete. You’re right. Life sometimes gets in the way, so to speak, The important thing is to not give up, even when we do have those setbacks. Best wishes for you this year as well.
Above all else I hope you enjoy your writing year. Best wishes, Joan.
Thank you!
Robert Browning said “A man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?” I think setting goals is always a great first step in that regard, even if we adjust them now and then. And if there are a few we don’t reach, well … perhaps that’s exactly what heaven’s for. 😊
Good luck with yours this year, Joan, and I hope you achieve most (if not all) of them. Here’s to a Happy, Healthy, and Productive 2023, my friend! 😀 <3
I love that quote, Marcia. It’s encouraging. Wishing you all the best and hope you have lots of new words written this year.
I’ve always loved it, too, Joan! It’s definitely a positive and encouraging way to think about it. Thanks for your well wishes, too! Let’s hear it for 2023! 😀
Wishing you success on Menagerie. I can’t wait to read it.
I hope to be any kind of creative this year. I put so much off last year, anything would be an improvement. I applaud your goal setting. Something I need to consider.
Last year wasn’t my best, but I’m enthused about this one. You had a lot of changes, so that’s understandable. Good luck to you this year.
Thanks, Joan. I need it.