The Beatles arrive in America, February 1964. Public domain photo via Wikimedia Commons
I can’t remember the exact occasion when I heard the Beatles on the radio. It was probably sometime in early 1964. My older brother was a big music fan and therefore, I was introduced to several singers and groups from that era. I was a big fan of the Four Seasons – until The Beatles came alone.
Decades later, I’m still a fan. A few weesk ago, Sirius announced they were counting down the top seventy-five Beatles songs from 1962-1966. Fans were able to vote and Sirius broadcast the show last weekend. I streamed it on my computer and listened to the entire 3.5 hours. Brought back a lot of good memories.
Needless to say, I didn’t do any writing that evening. However, I made good progress on my WIP. The end is almost in sight.
But now, it’s time for this week’s writing links.
From Story Empire:
- Plan For NaNoWriMo Success With Scrivener – P. H. Solomon
- Mystery, Horror, Suspense – C. S. Boyack
- Book Cover Friday: Ian Hamilton Mysteries by Carole Lawrence – Staci Troilo
From other great writing sites:
- How to Follow Your Dreams Through Writing – Nicholas C. Rossis
- 15 Things I Learned about Book Festivals – Julie Holmes
- 25 Sites For Fantastic Free Stock Photos – Just Publishing
- 5 Tips on Writing Trauma Backstory – Writers In The Storm
- Random Writes and Why I Love Them – A Writer’s Path
- Thoughts on Originality in Fiction – Writers In The Storm
- How to Use False Eyewitness Testimony in Thrillers – The Kill Zone
- So You’ve Moved Your Books to KDP Print: Now What – Nicholas C. Rossis
- 7 Steps to Publishing Success – Writers in The Storm
- The Top Four Pitfalls of Running a Newsletter – A Writer’s Path
- A Different Twist on Story Telling – The Kill Zone
- Writing an Epic Whodunit – Romance University
- Goodbye Google+ – Nicholas C. Rossis
28 Responses
I love listening to tunes from my youth, Joan. The beatles are a tad before my time but still some of the best music around. Thanks for the links and have a great weekend. Good luck with the WIP 🙂
Classic Rock is my favorite music genre and of course, The Beatles are my favorite group. My family has three generations of fans (four if you count the fact my mom liked their music, although I wouldn’t consider her a fan). My nieces and their kids also love to listen. Have a fun filled weekend!
I love The Beatles, too! I caught part of that countdown and wished I had listened to the whole thing. I heard a couple of songs I hadn’t heard in a while. Hope you have a great weekend.
It was nice to listen to their first songs. Lots of good things there. I was a tad surprised at what fans selected as #1, but In My Life is still a good song.
Yes still my favourite group and when you listen to the early songs they are perfect – unfogetable melodies, harmony and you can hear every word they are singing.
So true! My husband likes heir later songs best, but they had a lot of good tunes in those early years.
Reblogged this on Nicholas C. Rossis and commented:
Joan’s writing links of the week (and a bit of Beatles nostalgia)
Thanks for sharing, Nicholas!
And thank *you* for all the kind mentions 🙂
They just don’t make them like they used to, do they? Sigh…
The Beatles are still my favorite group. I’m not to fond of much of today’s music.
The Beatles were a bit before my time, but I still love listening to them. The amount of creativity and talent they had is still hard to match.
Thanks for the mention in today’s post, Joan!
Glad to give you a shout-out, Julie. I’m often amazed at the young people who comment when I wear my Beatles t-shirt. Generations of fans out there.
I LOVE the Beatles, Joan, but I think you already know that, LOL. They’re my favorite group as well and I’m constantly switching between Hits 1 snd the Beatles stations on Sirius in my car. I was twelve or thirteen when I heard my first Beatles song. That wasn’t until the mid seventies after they’d split up, but I was addicted from that time on and instantly became a rabid fan. Just yesterday on the Beatles channel a sixteen-year-old girl was counting down her “Fab Four” songs. I love that their music has the ability to reach across generations.
And wow, that’s wonderful news about your WIP. Congrats!
I’m amazed at the number of young people who like the Beatles. Three generations of fans in my family!
You know I’m a Beatles fan. They were a bit before my time, but not my brother and sister. Lucky for me, they had excellent taste in music and listened to them. I was hooked. Even bought a couple of my own albums in addition to listening to my siblings’. I remember how excited you were to catch the countdown. Writing can always wait a day for something we love.
Yeah it was a fun evening. Made even better because of chatting with friends.
My brother introduced me to music. Because of our age difference I like sixties music as much as the seventies tunes. Sometimes more!
My sister and brother were born in the early 60s. I was born in the early 70s. Because of them (and really, my parents and even grandparents) I have a wide and eclectic interest in decades of music. Even my kids are impacting me now. Music is one of those great equalizers. I love that it can bridge generations so easily.
Reblogged this on Author Don Massenzio and commented:
Check out these great links from this ‘week in review’ post from Joan Hall’s blog.
Thanks for the reblog, Don.
My pleasure
I always enjoyed the Beatles. My musical tastes cover a wide spectrum, but I find myself listing to older things more frequently. At least the Stones are still making music, and Paul has some new stuff out.
Yeah, I like the Stones also. Gosh they’ve been together for decades now. Apparently Paul’s new album is widely successful. Not bad for someone in their mid seventies.
I could make a joke about my age, but I listen to a lot of styles, including classical that dates back to the 1700s.
Another life, perhaps?
Reblogged this on Where Genres Collide.
Thanks for sharing, Traci!
You’re welcome, Joan!