I was delighted to have Harmony Kent as my guest earlier this month to talk about her latest collection of poems. If you miss that post, click here. Today, I’m sharing my review of this delightful collection of poems.


Life & Soul is the second book in the Soul Poetry Series by acclaimed author Harmony Kent.

This beautiful collection of over fifty poems will take the reader through the highs and lows of everyday life via contemporary poetry in a range of styles and themes. Within these pages, you will find reflections on the Lonely Soul, the Seeking Soul, Brief Soul, Friendly Soul, and the Loving Soulβ€”states of mind and living and longing we each experience over the course of a life.

Life & Soul offers something for lovers of poetry from all walks of life.

My Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Life & Soul is a collection of poems divided into six sectionsβ€”Lonely Soul, Seeking Soul, Brief Soul, Friendly Soul, Loving Soul, and culminating with The Life of a Soul.

The author’s feelings are laid bare, and although she has been through some traumatic events in life, she didn’t allow those things to keep her down.

As with most collections, I had favorites. Wild and Free serves as a reminder that we should not be quick to judge others or attempt to mold someone into what we believe they should be.

I’m not the prettiest flower in the field

But neither am I a weed

Take the time to watch me bloom

Don’t cut my stem and moan when I fade too soon

Far better that you leave me be

Dancing in the breeze, wild and free

True Friend gives the meaning of true friendship in thirty-one short words.


does not measure

nor count the give and take

of offering, asking, sharing

of life

ever loyal, honest, and true

I’ll always be around

to share the ups

and downs

A bit of the author’s humor shines through in This Ain’t Kansas. Part six, The Life of a Soul, is a journey into Kent’s life.

The poems are short and easy to read but speak volumes. Many readers can relate to one or more of them.

I don’t read a lot of poetry, but this book moved me. An easy five stars.

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41 Responses

  1. A wonderful review, Joan! I too enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to everyone, whether or not they are lovers of poetry. So much raw honest emotion is expressed! Congrats, Harmony!

  2. Thank you, Joan, for sharing your lovely review. Like you, I really enjoyed the collection. My heartfelt congratulations to Harmony. πŸ’—

  3. A wonderful review, Joan. Both of the poems you shared were indeed memorable. I also thoroughly enjoyed Harmony’s collection. She certainly does bare her soul. Congrats to Harmony on another winning review. πŸ™‚ <3

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