A Touch of Autumn

Nearby my house is a small sweetgum tree. Each year, its colors begin to turn long before other hardwoods. Although the change is often due to dry conditions I consider it a reminder that autumn is on the way.

We had a hint of fall this week with some much needed rain and cooler temps. Summer isn’t ready to give up yet, but cool nights, campfires, and fall festivals is just around the corner.

And now, for this week’s writing links:

From Story Empire:

From Other Fabulous Sites:

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16 Responses

  1. I miss the fall foliage back home. The leaves here tend to go from green to brown with not much in between. Sometimes a rather dull yellow. The only place that gets consistent brilliant reds and oranges is the cemetery by the school. I don’t know why. Might make for an interesting plot point.

    Fall is my favorite season. I’ll miss my pool, but I’m ready for the change. Lovely picture, Joan. And some great links. Thanks for sharing.

  2. May, June and July are my favorite months but October is near the top, too. As much as I am a “summer girl” I do love autumn. Now that my pool is closed, I’m ready for crisp cool days bursting with vibrant color. I also seem to do my best writing in autumn. Happy Friday, Joan!

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