I just finished a week of vacation, or rather staycation, since I stayed at home. Outside of celebrating my birthday, dinner with friends on Saturday night, and actually cooking dinner each night for my husband, I spent the week around the house in the company of my two cats. (That’s Tucker in the above photo, Little Bit is actually inside the cat tree, but you can’t see him because of his black color.)

And that’s how I wanted things. I planned for the week to revolve around writing. The second book of my Driscoll Lake Series, Unknown Reasons, is taking shape. I set a lofty goal of 6000 words per day and felt certain I could accomplish that.

Wrong! I allowed myself to be distracted by watching videos, interacting with others on social media, and even playing online games. Although I didn’t make my word goal, I did make progress on the manuscript. But had it not been for a simple application that I downloaded to my computer, I might not have accomplished what I did.

I’m over at Story Empire today talking about being free from distractions and the Freedom App. So click here to pop on over and read more.

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7 Responses

    • Teri – I would also love to hit 6K in a day. I think the most I’ve done is 3500-4000, but even that is a rarity.

      Tucker is my little buddy – he’s mischievous at times, but very loving (for a cat). Thanks so much for visiting me today.

  1. Oh, what a joy it would be to make a 6K word count in a day. I actually made a little over 7K once, but it was a one and only. I would love to do it again (yeah, dreaming and all that, LOL).

    For some reason the email notifying me of your post ended up in my spam folder. I only now found it. I’ve marked as “not spam” so hopefully, no worries in the future. I don’t want to miss any of your shares! 🙂

    • For real, Mae. 6K in one day is a dream for me. I think I’ve done over 5K, but only once or twice.

      Sometimes mail servers do strange things. Glad you marked me as safe. 🙂

  2. Good on you Joan you are such an inspiration and yes we all get distracted on a daily basis for me.

    • It’s so easy to become distracted. (One of the reasons I haven’t done much writing the past week – except I’ve been reading and watching a little more TV than usual.) But we all need breaks. Thanks for stopping by Kath!

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