After taking two days off from my day job last week, I had a five day weekend with the Labor Day holiday. And can I say those five days went by incredibly fast? Somehow, in my busyness to finish Unknown Reasons as well as formatting another book, I lost track of the fact we had a full moon this week until I saw the setting moon in the western sky as I left the house yesterday morning.

A Harvest Moon from a few years ago. One of my attempts at capturing a good shot.
Frustrated that I’d missed this year’s Harvest Moon, I searched for the date once I arrived at work and learned the Harvest Moon occurs in October this year because it’s closest to the equinox on September 22. Hopefully, I remember to look at the horizon on the night of October 5. I may even have my camera, still hoping for that perfect “moon shot.”
We had our first cool front of the season and last night’s temps felt more like autumn – my favorite time of the year when all seems right with the world.
In last Friday’s post, I mentioned a short-story I had written for an upcoming anthology with AIW Press. My story, Gold Wings, is part of a 13-story collection of time travel stories that will release later this month. A link to the cover reveal post is below.
In other writing news, I’m putting the finishing touches on the first draft of Unknown Reasons. Like every writing project I do, it’s taken me longer to write this than anticipated. After I finish the draft, I hope to devote more time to developing a regular blogging schedule here. I also plan to change the look of my site soon – more about that later.
Now for this week’s writing links at Story Empire and AIW Press:
- Labor Day – Story Empire
- Cover Reveal (Quantum Wanderlust) – AIW Press
- Keeping it Legal – Story Empire
- The Role of The Minor Character – AIW Press
- Curated Content for Writers – Story Empire
That wraps it up for this week. Hope your weekend is a good one.
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8 Responses
Autumn is my favorite season as well. I enjoy opening windows, the smells, and beauty of the changing leaves.
I have tried to capture the beauty of the full moon by camera, but it never looks as beautiful as it does in the sky.
I can’t wait to read your story in Quantum Wanderlust, and I look forward to Unseen Reasons.
There is something special about this time of year and it often goes by too fast for me to fully enjoy it. Hope to change that this year. I think I would stand a better chance at getting a better photo of the moon if I had a larger lens for my camera. I’m taking so few photos these days, it’s not worth the investment. Took the Nikon with me on vacation and ended up using only my iPhone and Kindle Fire to capture a few pics.
Looking forward reading your story and the others in Quantum Wanderlust.
You know me and moons. I’m right there with you.
I’m also there with you on blogging more regularly and on site redesign. Yep, it needs to happen again. (And I thought I was done.) Sigh. Busy, busy.
Can’t wait for the release of Quantum Wanderlust. Very excited!
Yes, we share a brain again with full moons. This past moon was the full corn moon. And I’m also excited about the book’s release!
Who designs your covers and website masthead? Excellent. Perfect for mysteries.
Marilyn – IDDM Designs ( designed this book cover (and most of the covers for AIW Press). I designed my own blog header.
Joan, you are one busy gal! A day job and lots of writing going on and chasing the moon. the latter catches my interest too. I love a beautiful Harvest Moon, and yes, I’d love to capture that perfect image but am never good at night shots.
Looking forward to reading your story in the new anthology and to seeing your new site design. Having just moved my site and redesigned it, it is time for me to get back to some regular blogging as well as a rewrite on my memoir. I’m not sure if I’m even going to publish it at this point, but we’ll see.
Sometimes I wonder how I manage to do it all. (I don’t write very fast, that’s for sure.) I had fun with the time travel story – I’ve always been fascinated with the concept of time travel. Looking forward to seeing more from you!