Hey, everyone. As promised, today I have the pleasure of hosting Jan Sikes to talk about her newest release Saddled Hearts. Jan is a good friend, an award-winning and talented author, and also contributes to Story Empire.
In case you missed it, she and I met in person a couple of weeks ago at an author meet and greet event. I felt like I’d known her forever and we had a blast.
Please welcome Jan to my blog today.

Hello, Joan! I am super excited to be visiting your blog site today. Thank you so much for offering to let me take over. I deeply appreciate your support.

Today I want to talk about the obstacles I faced when attempting to use a real person as a character in Saddled Hearts. It’s no secret that I am a huge supporter of Texas music and have become great friends with a lot of the artists. Deryl Dodd is one of the most accomplished songwriters in the business, having honed his skills with seasoned songwriters in Nashville for many years. He even played guitar in Martina McBride’s band for a period of time. Due to a catastrophic health issue, he came back home to Comanche, Texas, to heal and regroup. And he never left.
As I wrote Saddled Hearts and Buck Layne’s character formed, I knew I needed to use one of Deryl’s songs in the story.
“One Ride In Vegas” is a story song. The lyrics are listed in the book as I wrote a scene with Deryl and Colt singing together at a benefit. It is about a man’s dream, and while it specifically mentions bull riding and rodeoing, the message of the song could fit any dream.
When I approached my publisher about using Deryl and his song, I was met with some stiff resistance. But his willingness to sign the waivers of liability and my persistence finally wore them down, and they agreed to let me use it. I am deeply grateful to Deryl, as it added to the story.
Here’s a very short snippet:
“There’s a special song I want to do tonight. Not only to honor Colt, but his grandfather, Buck Layne, who I had the pleasure of knowing for a short time. Buck and others like him were the inspiration for this song. Hope you enjoy it.”
Sage drew in a breath and leaned forward.
Deryl strummed the opening chords. “He’s packed up his boots and his saddle. Seventeen, heading out on his own. He’ll rodeo from Cheyenne to Texas, dreaming of one ride in Vegas. One ride in Vegas.”
The band kicked in behind him.
Of course, Deryl didn’t know Buck Layne because he is a fictitious character.
Have you ever tried using a real person or song in a fiction book? How did you go about getting permission? Let’s talk!

Colt Layne owns the Layne Horse Sanctuary. He lives an idyllic life between caring for the animals and playing music with his band. That is until a stranger appears with unreasonable demands. When someone murders the man, Colt is arrested. He’s been framed, but by whom and why?
He needs to talk with his deceased grandfather. But that’s impossible. Or is it?
Sage Coventry is gifted with the ability to communicate with the deceased. Skeptical but desperate, when Colt consults with her, he gets more than messages from beyond the grave as she breezes into his heart with sweet patchouli fragrance and tempting lips he longs to kiss.
The race against time to clear his name and save the ranch launches them on a mission that brings shocking revelations.

BOOK TRAILER: https://youtu.be/_MQ9fYH5PrI
UNIVERSAL PURCHASE LINK: https://linktr.ee/Rijanjks

Connect with Jan:
WEBSITE: http://www.jansikes.com
BLOG: http://www.jansikesblog.com
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/jansikes3
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/AuthorJanSikesBooks
PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/jks0851/
GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7095856.Jan_Sikes
BOOKBUB: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jan-sikes
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/sikesjan/
AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE: https://www.amazon.com/Jan-Sikes/e/B00CS9K8DK
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57 Responses
I am looking forward to reading this one…
I truly hope you ladies enjoy it, Jaye and Anita!
I bet we do, Jan…
You are in for a treat, ladies!
[…] DAY 14 – Joan Hall […]
Well done for your persistence, Jan, and that was wonderful of Deryl to allow you to use his song. I haven’t used anyone real as yet, but you never know! Wishing you every success with this launch and your writing. Joan thanks for sharing. Hugs 💕🙂
I’ve always said writers need three things and they all start with P. Patience, persistence, and perseverance. 🙂 Thanks, Harmony!
I haven’t tried either, Harmony, except in mentioning by name. (Such as JFK and RFK in House of Sorrow). Thanks for stopping by today.
Jan, I think it’s amazing you were able to use Deryl (and his song) in your book. I wouldn’t have even known where to start with something like that. All those music connections you have surely must come in handy!
Deryl was a great addition to an excellent story. Congratulations again on Saddle Hearts.
Thanks for hosting today, Joan!
It does help to have some friends in the music world. I just knew I needed Deryl’s song in the book. And, I didn’t mention it in the blog post, but Deryl and his manager read the chapters with his appearance before I ever sent it to my editor. I wanted full approval and I got it. 🙂 Thanks for all your wonderful support, Mae!
That’s wonderful, Jan!
I agree, Mae. I love that she was able to use Deryl. It added to the story.
Speaking of Texas musicians, how about Lightnin’ Hopkins? I wanted to use him as a secondary character in my novel-in-progress. Then I thought I’d better use a fictionalized version, but when I wrote the chapters in which he appears, Lightnin’ himself kept showing up. So I attended a copyright webinar. (I think it was sponsored by the Authors Guild). According to the attorney presenters, fiction writers have a lot of leeway to include real people in their books–but not song lyrics. (Nonfiction is a whole other breed of cat, however.) I have no desire to go down the permissions rabbit hole for song lyrics that are variations on songs other people wrote, other people modified, and Lightnin’ added improvisations in performance. I just describe what a particular song was about and how he performed it.
What a great story, Liz! Lightnin’ Hopkins was one of the Texas greats for sure and how cool that he kept showing up when you tried to fictionalize him. Sounds like the webinar was very helpful in clearing up copyright issues. Thank you for sharing!
You’re welcome, Jan!
That’s good to know, Liz. I knew not to use song lyrics without permission. I haven’t used real people in my stories except maybe mention by name. Lightnin’ Hopkins was a legend.
This will be a first for me.
I loved Deryl Dodd’s cameo in the book!
Oh, I am so glad it worked for you, Priscilla! Thank you for leaving a comment today.
Me too, Priscilla!
Thank you, Joan, for allowing me to confiscate your blog space today. I am deeply grateful for your friendship and your support!!
It’s a pleasure, Jan. I’m always happy to host.
Such an interesting topic. I did mountains of research and went through a ton of paperwork to gain a license for some lyrics one time. I don’t think I’ll ever do it again. On the other hand, if I knew someone, it would really enhance one of my projects.
Knowing the artist personally certainly helped with this project, Craig. I know your hat books often mention songs and artists but getting permission for the lyrics is totally different. This one was a struggle for me, but I persisted., 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
I want to do one where the artist gets on stage with the band to do their own song. Just don’t know anyone who would fall for my pleadings.
I’ve never tried. Nice that Jan knew him personally.
It’s so nice seeing Jan’s book here! I wish her the very best and I can’t wait to read this.
Thank you, Kymber. I appreciate your support!
You’re in for a treat, Kymber.
I’m so happy you persisted and used the lyrics, Jan. They’re beautiful! All the best!
Thank you, Mary!
I’m glad she did as well, Mary. Thanks for stopping by to support Jan today.
I am really glad you followed your heart with this, Jan 🙂 It did add a special layer to the story.
Thanks for hosting, Joan!
Thank you, Denise. I am glad I followed my heart too. You never know where it will lead. I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment!
I thought so as well, Denise.
So cool that you used an actual person and his song in the book, Jan. And somehow I missed that you and Joan had met – so awesome!
It was so much fun getting to meet Joan and her hubby. Like she said, it was as if we had known each other forever, which we pretty much have. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by today! Much appreciated!
We had so much fun, Teri. It was in October, so you were busy with Bad Moon Rising.
That is such an awesome experience, despite the resistance along the way. I’m glad you persisted, Jan. And you even have him showcasing your book. Joan, thank you so much for hosting our sweet friend. We have the absolute best writing circle!! <3
I have to agree with you, Mar! We have such a supportive online community of writers and I am honored to be a small part of it. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Hugs!
We do have a fabulous writing circle. Everyone is so supportive of one another. Thanks for stopping by today, Mar.
Reblogged this on and commented:
Another reblog for my sweet friend that’s on a blog tour. Such great posts!! You don’t want to miss a single one!!
Thank you for reblogging, Mar!
Thanks for sharing, Mar!
Congratulations to Jan. Thanks, Joan for hosting today
Thank you, John!
You are welcome, John!
I can’t do a real person in my fiction. I feel like I never get ENOUGH of them, because people are so complex. But real people have inspired some of my characters, and that works well for me, taking one part of them to emphasize. I don’t use music because the rules are so strict about how much you can use without getting into trouble. Glad you got to use your friend and his song.
I love your comment, Judi. You are right. People are so complex. But I was able to bring Deryl’s personality into the scene and let him read and approve it. You definitely have to get the full permissions to use a real person and/or his music. Thank you for stopping by today!
Music inspires me, and I have used song titles, but never lyrics. I’ve mentioned real people but haven’t made them characters. Jan did a fantastic job with Deryl.
I tried to like this, but it wouldn’t let me. But I DID like it!
How fun that you and Joan were able to meet in person! I’ve avoided using anything other than band names or titles in my books to avoid any issues. It’s nice that you have a connection to this artist and could get the release forms needed.
Thank you, Jacquie. It added to the story and maybe Deryl will end up with some new followers from the book. I hope so! I appreciate you leaving a comment today!
Sorry I disappeared yesterday. It’s been great following your tour, Jan. Love the pics (above and from before when you and Joan met). Loved this book and series, too. Best wishes.
Joan, thanks for hosting.
No apologies necessary, Staci. Thanks for stopping by today.