Good morning, readers. I’ve been a bit silent here and social media. I’m going into what I call my “summer mode.” Things change around the Hall household during summer as my husband, who normally works evenings transitions to days.

That means I get less writing done, but we get to spend more time together. However, he’s made a promise to hold me accountable to writing at least an hour each evening. After all, I have a novel to finish as well as a short story for an upcoming anthology (more to come on that down the road). Suffice to say, I’m excited about the project.

Anyhow, Harmony Kent is posting today at Story Empire with another great article. Click the link below to visit and read.

Source: Harvesting the Crop of your writing | Story Empire

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2 Responses

  1. Funny, I have seasonal modes too. I need to stay away from new words now and work on polishing the ones I already produced. We also have a lot of family things going on this time of year.

    • I often define my life by seasons. And not necessarily spring, summer, fall, and winter. Right now I’m getting ready to write, have my headphones on, and my favorite playlist pulled up on Spotify. (And I never listen to music while I’m writing.) That’s because hubs has the TV on and I don’t want to get my laptop out and go into the other room. I prefer my desk and desktop. 🙂

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