Hey, yā€™all. A few days ago, friend and fellow author Staci Troilo and I were brainstorming ways to increase the number of blog posts we do and have a planned blogging schedule. I already had the Mystery Monday feature in mind, as well as to resume my Friday Week in Review posts. I have to give credit where credit is due. Staci came up with the idea of a WIP Wednesday.

In this case, WIP stands for both ā€œWork in Progressā€ and ā€œWork in Publication.ā€ Hereā€™s how it works (no pun intended). Each Wednesday, Iā€™ll write a post featuring my current writing project or highlight a previous publication. I might feature character interviews, or tell something about the bookā€™s setting, or what inspired me to write the story.

This feature can also help me to stay on track with progress reports. Thereā€™s something motivating when I tell people Iā€™m 20K words into a book and still have the same word count three weeks later. When I post progress reports, I do hope youā€™ll encourage and hold me accountableā€”especially when I reach that ā€œmessy middleā€ of a novel. So, even if I feature a previously published novel or story, Iā€™ll also give a word count update.

Hopefully, weā€™ll soon start seeing WIP Wednesday posts from Staci. (Yes, my friend I know you said it might be a few months. LOL)

I plan to keep a regular Monday, Wednesday, Friday blogging schedule. I will also have posts on Tuesdays to share book reviews, new releases and cover reveals from other authors, or author guest spots. However, itā€™s doubtful Iā€™ll post every Tuesday. Thursdays are open, and I have nothing planned, but I could also use that day for author guest spots. (Note, I already had scheduled a guest blogger for next Wednesday.)

And now, since the reason for WIP Wednesday is to share about new or published works, Iā€™ll fill you in on my latest project.


After publishing Unclear Purposes in late May, I took a few weeks off from writing to rest and rejuvenate. I believe all writers need to do that occasionally. But the writing bug never leaves me alone for long. I have to write. Itā€™s like breathing air. If I donā€™t write, Iā€™ll suffocate.

For years, Iā€™ve toyed with the idea of publishing a book of short stories. I have some micro/flash fiction that I used to post on my blog as well as a few unfinished stories. Iā€™ve begun reworking those and have already sent two stories to my critique partners.

It would be easier to write from scratch than to tackle some of my older works that I once thought were ā€œgoodā€ pieces of writing. (Cringing at some of the things Iā€™ve written.) But the story ideas were good, and I didnā€™t want to let them go.

I want the finished book to be around 40K words. Right now, itā€™s around 16K with the flash fiction pieces and unfinished pieces. Iā€™m also brainstorming ideas for some brand-new stories.

A Group of Shorts (No, I’m not writing a book about Dachshunds)

The stories are, of course, in the mystery/suspense/romantic suspense genre. And the working title? Donā€™t laugh. ā€œA Group of Shorts.ā€ Hopefully, Iā€™ll come up with something much better before the final draft.

So, there you have it. The first WIP Wednesday. Hope you visit often.

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21 Responses

    • You know, seeing the dachshunds makes the title sound cool. Unfortunately, there aren’t any dachshunds (yet) in my collection of stories. Thanks for visiting, Denise.

  1. Loving this, Joan … Mystery Monday and WIP Wednesday. Best of luck with the blogging and the writing. You’re almost shaming me into getting my own blog posts up and running again, lol šŸ™‚ … Maybe when FALLOUT is released, and I’ve got Creative Solutions on Pre-order, and I’m not bogged down quite so much in writing my trilogy!!! (Sounds like I need something like a Messy Monday post LMAO) Reblogged on: https://harmonykent.co.uk/introducing-wipwednesday/

    • Book launches are exhausting. I had to take some time off after my launch in May and I didn’t make nearly the number of stops you’ve made. Messy Monday is a good one! I’ve had several of those. šŸ™‚

  2. That’s a great idea, Joan. I should get in on the WIP Wednesday. I have been very lazy when it comes to working on anything other than the the prompts I have been writing. While they keep me writing, I am not producing anything toward any of my WIPs.

    • I’ve done a lot of writing this year, but not much toward works I will publish. Sometimes it’s nice to write meaningless dribble and who knows when some of it could generate a scene or idea. I needed a break after releasing Unclear Purposes, but it’s time to get back to work. šŸ™‚

  3. Great idea, Joan,and a wonderful way to stay inspired or on target with your WIPs. I’ll be enjoying this series, I know! Good luck!

    • Thanks, Marcia. I need accountability and this will help me. At the same time, will hopefully bring reader interest for both past and future projects. BTW, I started reading Swamp Ghosts this morning!

      • I think it will definitely create reader interest in your projects. Looking forward to it.

        And yay on starting Swamp Ghosts! I hope you enjoy it. (There are some very weird–and very bad–people in Riverbend.) šŸ˜€ I’ll be interested in hearing what you think.

  4. No credit necessary. I think it’s a hashtag, so I’m clearly not the one who thought of it. I appreciate the shout-out, though.

    Can I just say how hard I laughed when I saw your “group of shorts” photo?

    I love that you started this today. I’d forgotten you said you were starting in August. I also forgot that you said you wrote this post, but once I read it, I remembered. (They say the mind is the second thing to go. Geez.)

    This is a great post. And I, for one, am looking forward to your weekly updates. šŸ™‚

    • I searched for a graphic that would go with shorts and found the dachshunds. And I’d forgotten you were starting yours today. Yes, the mind is going. Not sure which will wear out first, it or my body.

  5. Love the photo for your “shorts” Joan! šŸ™‚
    This is a great idea. I know there’s a Twitter hashtag for this, so it’s a perfect fit. I’m trying to increase my blogging as well but will probably stick with Tues through Thurs. I’ve been toying with what to do for Wednesdays, so I may join in the fun with you and Staci as well.

    And I look forward to your shorts—dachshunds or no dachshunds!

    • Would love to have you join us, Mae! Looking forward to hearing about your upcoming projects.

      I thought that photo was a perfect fit. And who knows? A dachshund might find its way into one of my stories. We used to own two of them.

  6. Love the ideas for Mystery Monday and WIP Wednesday- you and Staci might have started something here!
    Good luck with the shorts. They’re hard to write, but I think readers short (no pun intended :)) on time appreciate them.

    • Thanks, Jacquie! Staci and I already have a couple of other authors who want to join in for WIP Wednesday. The more the merrier.

      I agree, short stories are harder to write, but as a reader, they are nice to read.

  7. Joan, a great plan you’ve devised! Sorry, but I had to giggle at the image of the “shorts.” Catchy way to keep me reading though. You and Staci need to brainstorm more often–good ideas came of this session.

    • Thanks, Sherrey. Yes, that image of the little doxies was perfect. My goal is to blog and visit more often. Having a couple of set themes certainly helps

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