Hey, everyone. Hope the first part of this new year have been good for you. It’s no secret that I have a fascination with full moons. I think it runs in the family. My brother once hiked through Grand Canyon by the light of a full August moon.
Also, the original concept for my upcoming Legends of Madeira series was inspired by, you guessed it, the moon. I thought it would be fun to feature a monthly post with some facts, myths, or maybe even a legend or two.
For years, I’d heard the term Harvest Moon, but did you know Native Americans had names for each of the full moons? These varied from tribe to tribe and were often relative to the area in which they lived. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, these names traditionally applied to the entire lunar month, beginning with either the new or full moon.
January is known as the Wolf Moon. This has nothing to do with mythical werewolves. It came about because on cold January nights, packs of wolves are often heard. It was once thought wolves howled because they were hungry. However, wolves use howls to define their territory, locate members of their pack, and gather for hunting.

Interesting Facts
- Like their canine ancestors, domestic dogs are known to bark and howl more during the full moon. They might also be more aggressive. A study carried out by a teaching hospital in the United Kingdom found dog bites are often twice as common during a full moon than on other nights.
- Many people claim to see images on the lunar surfaces, such as animals or human faces. (Ever heard of “The man in the Moon?”) These images are composed of the dark areas of the lunar plains and the lighter highlands of the lunar surface.
- The full moon occurs this month on Thursday, January 28.
Menominee Legend
According to the Menominee The Sun, and his sister The Moon, lived together in the East. One day Sun left to go hunting and was gone for a long time. As the days passed Moon became worried and went into the sky to search for him. After twenty days of searching, she died but returned to life after four days to resume her search for another twenty days.
The four days of death are thought to coincide with the dark phase of the new moon, while the twenty days before and after are a reference to the waxing and waning phases.
I hope you’ll enjoy this monthly series. Next month is the shortest of the year, but moon-wise February has a unique distinction from all other months.
Interested in learning more? Check back then.
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58 Responses
I love the moon like you, Joan. I think being a moonchild helps. I didn’t know it was a wolf moon. I adore wolves and werewolves. I will have to glance up that night if it isn’t cloudy. I enjoyed the legend of sun and moon too. I look forward to learning the moon months.
My dad always planted by the signs of the Zodiac and as I mentioned, my brother also loves the moon. He actually planned his Grand Canyon visit around the full moon.
Great series, Joan. And I am chuckling at the timing … the universe has a sense of humour, as I just wrote all about a full red moon over the weekend for my Friday Flash Fiction, tee he hee. Moons fascinate me. I used to work in psychiatry, and a full moon always meant a disturbed night shift for a few nights.
I look forward to your Legends of Madeira series 🙂
I’ve heard stories about psych patients. Pretty sure I’ve mentioned that in one of my upcoming posts. I’m being on reading blog posts. I’ll pop over to your blog today. Look forward to reading the story.
I never did see the man on the moon. I see a winged creature. Maybe it’s supposed to be something majestic like an eagle, but I see a creature like a Mothman or the Jersey Devil. Interesting post!
I’m like you, I’ve never seen a “man.” I guess our imaginations have something to do with what we see. (I don’t think I’d want to see the Jersey Devil!) 🙂
What a great post, Joan. Other than being aware that full moons seem to evoke craziness, I know nothing. Your antidotes, about wolves and dogs and the mythology surrounding full moons, were fascinating to read. I’m eagerly looking forward to your new series. 😊
Thanks, Gwen. As you might imagine, there are a lot of legends and folklore surrounding the moon. I find the stories fascinating.
What an interesting post, Joan. I’ve always liked to follow the different moons on my calendar. One thing I know is whenever there’s a full moon I don’t get any sleep. I’m looking forward to your series!
Our bedroom is on the west side of the house. In winter those full moons are often as bright as day, making it harder to sleep. Thanks for stopping by today.
You know I’m moon-obsessed. I did not know about the bite study, though. Loved this post, Joan.
The bite study was new to me as well. And why doesn’t it surprise me that we’re both moon-obsessed? 🙂
Very interesting, Joan. Like so many, I am intrigued by the full moon. I too have used it in several of my works. And, thanks to you and your post, I have learned something new.
I’ve learned a lot while researching for my series. Very interesting things.
I have always loved stories about the moon. Looking forward to your series, Joan.
Thanks, John. Getting close to the first release!
I never knew that about dog bites and the moon. I’ve always heard more babies are born when it’s a full moon. Have no idea if that’s true.
I’ve also heard about more babies being born. The dog bite information was new to me as well.
I’m enjoying this series. Love the name for the January moon.
Yeah, it’s one of my favorite moon names. And I confess. I love hearing wolves or coyotes howl.
Me, too. We used to get the coyotes on our lawn in Nevada.
We’ve seen them in our yard a few times. Years ago a pair would cross our field early each morning and make their way into the woods. No doubt going home after a night of hunting.
Moon legends are fascinating. I really enjoyed the story about the sister looking for her brother. Your new moon posts are going to be fun. Can’t wait ’til you get to Diana and Hecate:)
The sister and brother story was new to me. I happened upon it a few weeks ago. (Don’t you love the internet for such things?) I hadn’t thought about Diana. Good idea.
What a wonderful post, Joan! I’ve followed the moon cycles for years. I make wishes and set intentions on the new moon, then release them, often in a burning ceremony on the full moon. I also charge my Crystals and Gemstones under the full moon. The Native Americans lived in such harmony with nature and all its rhythms. We can learn much from them. Thank you for sharing!
I am fascinated with the Native American way of life. Each name for the moon makes perfect sense for the time of the year.
What a great post, Joan. I love legends and folklore associate with the moon, and am really looking forward to this series. Fascinating stuff!
This series has been a long time in coming. I’ve learned so much while doing my research. It’s made it all worthwhile.
I’m a fan of moon-magic too, Joan. Wouldn’t it be interesting if our calendar was based on the phases of the moon? I enjoyed the Menominee Legend. Thanks for sharing it. This should be a fun and interesting series.
That would be interesting, Diana. Glad you enjoyed this post and hope you visit again next month.
Fascinating Joan, and I love the new moon and the full moon as one always seems to hopeful and the other completion.. thanks for sharing with us.. Sally X
Ooh. That’s a good way at looking at them, Sally! Thanks for stopping by.
A very interesting post, Joan. I enjoy looking at the moon but I’ve never really considered its effect on dogs or wolves.
I’d always heard of dogs and/or wolves “howling” at the moon but was unaware of this study until recently.
I have also heard of it. It features in a lot of books too, most notably Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
[…] Head over to read the rest of this fascinating post about the legends of the full moons: Joan Hall with January The Wolf Moon and other legends […]
Legends involving nature are particularly fascinating to me, Joan. We’ve been in a rainy pattern here in California lately, but I was grateful for clear skies last night to view the full moon.
I’m glad you were able to see it. It was beautiful here in Texas. Like you, the legends and folklore are fascinating. Thanks for visiting, Pete.
Great insights Joan. One does not have to remind me we’re in a full moon retrograde. ‘Nuff said, lol 🙂
😀 Thanks for stopping by, Debby. I have a few more of these moon legend posts scheduled this year.
I look forward to them Joan. For now, I’m staying buckled! LOL 🙂
Don’t blame you! 😉
Lol 🙂
I’m always interested in the moon cycle, Joan. For quite a few years, I followed the full moon events and was fortunate to have a clear sky on many nights to take the moon photos. I remember as a child, we celebrated many festivals based on the lunar calendar. Several of them are moon-related. As a child, I actually believed that the shadow in the moon was a goddess accented to the moon!
I’m still looking for that perfect “moon shot.” I really need a better camera lens for that.
Cool story about the goddess.
We have clear sky mostly in the summer. I take photo as a hobby and don’t have fancy cameras. For a simple point and shoot camera with a tripod, I got some great shots. California is not on the track to see the colors of the blood red moon or blue moon. I usually get those images from the internet just for fun.
I have an entry-level Nikon SLR that takes decent photos but I’ve also got some good shots with a point and shoot. Lately, I’ve used my iPhone.
I saw a billboard on the side of a freeway and wondered what it was selling. The small print at the bottom said it was taken with an iPhone. Wow…
[…] about folklore and facts about the full moons. If you missed the first two, you can read about the Wolf Moon (January) and the Snow Moon (February) by clicking on the […]
[…] I hope you’ve enjoyed my monthly series about the full moons. So far, we’ve covered The Wolf Moon (January), The Snow Moon (February), and the Worm Moon (March). Now it’s time for the fourth […]
[…] The Wolf Moon […]
[…] The Wolf Moon (January) […]
[…] The Wolf Moon (January) […]
[…] The Wolf Moon (January) […]
[…] The Wolf Moon (January) […]
[…] The Wolf Moon (January) […]
[…] The Wolf Moon (January) […]
[…] The Wolf Moon (January) […]