Hey, everyone! Today, I’m excited to have as my guest friend, fellow author, and Story Empire contributor, Harmony Kent. She’s here to talk about her brand new book, which releases tomorrow.

Welcome, Harmony!

Hi, Joan. Thanks so much for hosting me today. It’s always wonderful to visit with you. Here’s a little bit I’d love to share about my latest book of poetry …

From Friendly Soul:

Holding Hands

friends see

your highs and lows

share triumphs and failures

hold your hand when you want to die

of shame

help you see the light at the end

of your darkened tunnel

find the humour

in pain

This poem comes from a time when friendships were shifting, and a deep betrayal from my sister left me reeling. It brought me to contemplate what friendship is/should be.

Holding Hands is about the acceptance of both others and self, no matter how bad we think our mistakes are. If we have to pretend around others, it’s not true friendship. I hope you enjoyed this poem and would love to know what you think.


Life & Soul is the second book in the Soul Poetry Series by acclaimed author Harmony Kent.

This beautiful collection of over fifty poems will take the reader through the highs and lows of everyday life via contemporary poetry in a range of styles and themes. Within these pages, you will find reflections on the Lonely Soul, the Seeking Soul, Brief Soul, Friendly Soul, and the Loving Soulβ€”states of mind and living and longing we each experience over the course of a life.

Life & Soul offers something for lovers of poetry from all walks of life.

Praise for Slices of Soul, Book 1 in the Soul Poetry Series:

“I found my answer in this wonderful treasure-trove and have already read it three times.” Robert Fear

“I found in Slices of Soul something approaching aesthetic bliss, a sense of being connected in some way to other states – like tenderness, kindness, ecstasy – where art is the norm.” Colm Herron

“A stunning collection of poems that I read in one sitting! Unable to simply put this down until I had read the last. I love the clarity of the short poems, such clear images created in so few words or phrases. Many of them touched my heart and I will be giving them a 2nd and 3rd read!” Audrina Lane

Universal Link: mybook.to/LifeAndSoul


Harmony Kent spent 13 years in a Zen Buddhist monastery, where she faced her demons and overcame devastating low self-esteem and found freedom. After a life-changing injury, Harmony returned to the world at the tender age of 40, and her life as a writer began.

Harmony is an award-winning multi-genre author, and her publications include:

The Battle for Brisingamen (Fantasy Fiction) AIA approved

The Glade (Mystery/Thriller) AIA Approved/BRAG Medallion Honouree/New Apple Literary Awards Official Selection Honours 2015

Polish Your Prose: Essential Editing Tips for Authors (Writing/Editing) New Apple Literary Awards Top Medallist Honours 2015

Finding Katie (Women’s Fiction)

Slices of Soul (Soul Poetry Series: Book 1)

Life and Soul (Soul Poetry Series: Book 2)

Interludes (Erotic Short Stories)

Interludes 2 (Erotic Short Stories)

Moments (Short Stories and Poetry)

Jewel in the Mud (Zen Musings)

Polish Your Prose (How to Self-Edit)

Creative Solutions (Creative Writing Inspiration)

Backstage (Erotic Romance and Thriller)

FALLOUT (Post-Apocalyptic Dystopia) BRAG Medallion Honouree

The Vanished Boy (Psychological Thriller)

As well as being an avid reader and writer, Harmony also offers reviews and supports her fellow authors. Harmony is always on the lookout for talent and excellence, and will freely promote any authors or books who she feels have these attributes.

Harmony’s Website

twitter: @harmony_kent

Goodreads: Harmony Kent

BookBub: Harmony Kent

Story Empire (co-authored blog): Harmony Kent

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50 Responses

  1. How brave that you could channel the unimaginable pain from that experience into a way to free yourself and help others (perhaps) work through something they are going through! Brava, Harmony!!

  2. That one really speaks to me, Harmony. A steadfast friend is always there for you no matter the circumstances. The poem may have come from a moment of betrayal, but I love the loyalty of which it speaks.
    Congratulations on another great tour stop!

    Thanks for hosting today, Joan!

  3. Nothing worse than a betrayal, especially when it’s someone you love and trust. What a powerful take on the situation. Best wishes, Harmony.

    Thanks for sharing, Joan.

  4. Sorry about your sister’s betrayal but love the real support we get from the family we create throughout life. Can’t wait to read your collection.

    Thanks for hosting Joan πŸ™‚

  5. Congratulations, Harmony, I’m so happy for you. Your featured poem is powerful — and so tender. Thank you, Joan, for spotlighting Harmony today. πŸ™‚

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