Hey everyone! Those of us in the USA are celebrating President’s Day. Formed by the Uniform Federal Holidays Act in 1971, the day was created to celebrate the birthdays of Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
Today, I’m going to talk about Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln was our sixteenth president and served from 1861-1865 during one of the most tumultuous times in our nation’s history. The country was divided, the north fought against the south, and in some cases, brother against brother.

The balcony of Ford’s Theater where Lincoln sat the night he was assassinated.
Lincoln was probably best known for abolishing slavery, the Gettysburg Address, and his untimely death at the hands of the assassin, John Wilkes Booth. But did you know Lincoln’s ghost is said to inhabit the White House? Or that he had premonitions of his death?
In early 1865, Lincoln told his close friend, Ward Hill Lamon, about a dream he had.
“About ten days ago I retired very late … I soon began to dream. There seemed to be a deathlike stillness about me. Then I heard subdued sobs as if a number of people were weeping. I thought I left my bed and wandered downstairs… I arrived at the East Room. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers who were acting as guards, and there was a throng of people, some gazing mournfully upon the corpse, whose face covered, others weeping pitifully. “‘Who is dead in the White House?’ I demanded of one of the soldiers. ‘The President’ was his answer. ‘He was killed by an assassin.’”
Eerie, isn’t it? But this wasn’t the first time he saw a foreshadowing of his death. After the 1860 election, he saw a double image of himself in a mirror while still in his Springfield, Illinois home. One was a ghostly shadow of his actual reflection.
His wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, was known to have a strong belief in the supernatural and spiritualism. She didn’t see the double image but supposedly prophesied the reflection meant he would not live long enough to complete his first term in office.

The bedroom of Peterson House where Lincoln died.
After Lincoln’s death in April 1865, several have claimed to have seen his ghost or felt his presence. The press secretary to Lady Bird Johnson believes the first lady felt Lincoln’s presence one evening while watching a program about his death.
First Lady Grace Coolidge reported having seen the ghost of Lincoln in the Oval Office gazing out over the Potomac.
During Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration, the ghost was seen frequently. Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands reported being awakened by a knock on her bedroom door when she was a guest. Thinking someone might have an important message, she got out of bed and opened the door to see Lincoln standing in the hallway.
Eleanor Roosevelt used Lincoln’s bedroom as a study. She denied ever seeing his ghost but often said she felt his presence.
Others who claim to have seen the late president were Maureen Reagan, Margaret Truman, Theodore Roosevelt, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
President Lyndon Johnson supposedly encountered Lincoln’s apparition during a time of “great distress.” It’s said Johnson “conversed” with the former president and asked him how he handled an unpopular war. Johnson, of course, was president during the Vietnam conflict.
The last sighting of Lincoln’s ghost was in the early 1980s when White House operations foreman Tony Savoy saw Lincoln sitting in a chair at the top of some stairs.
I don’t know if any or all of these claims are valid, but it sure leaves one to wonder.
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25 Responses
I believe that buildings hold remants of those who have lived in them … be that supernatural or down to energy or whatever. Great post today, Joan. Happy President’s Day 🙂
Thanks, Harmony. Yea, it’s interesting about old buildings. Especially one with such historical significance like the White House.
Whoa, that’s some freaky stuff. I’m sure the Lincolns were nervous after the dream and mirror experience. I’m not surprised to hear people have seen Lincoln’s ghost at the White House.
I think part of it has to do with the fact his life had such great tragedy. Not only his early death, but the Lincolns had four sons. Only one lived to be an adult. Some say their son Willie’s ghost is also at the White House.
Wow, I never knew any of this, Joan. Great post.
Lincoln’s dream is very eerie, and the fact that so many people have claimed to see his ghost at the White House is astounding. Those are highly credible witnesses!
It does make one wonder. I agree. Very credible witnesses.
This is really interesting. Lincoln always looks so sad, like he carried great burdens most of his life. He had his son’s body dug up occasionally, didn’t he? So that he could look at him again? I heard that somewhere, not sure if it’s accurate. Johnson had a great sounding board if he got to talk to him.
He did look sad. Of course, he did carry the great burden of war during his years in the White House. It’s amazing how much he aged in four short years. I’m not entirely sure about the Willie story. I do think the body was disinterred and moved to Springfield to be buried near his father.
I didn’t put this in the post, but supposedly Lincoln told Johnson not to go to the theater.
This is interesting, Joan. I wonder why he disappeared, if he haunted The White House for all those years?
That’s an interesting question, Jacquie. I couldn’t begin to venture a guess.
I’ve never heard of this, Joan. I hope he is there keeping an eye on things:)
Yes, me too! 😉
Wonderful post for today. I can’t imagine a building like the White House not having some kind of ghosts.
Exactly. Lots of history there.
I would venture to say that the White House is probably the most haunted place in America! Thanks for sharing, Joan!
I have to agree. One thing’s for sure. If those walls could talk…
And this is why history is fascinating. One can only imagine.
Exactly, Michele. I love history and am especially fond of reading about the Civil War era.
Wonderful post, Joan. Creepy in all the right ways. If I were to ever see a ghost, I wouldn’t mind it being Lincoln. And perhaps he hasn’t been seen in recent decades because of the skepticism of much of the population today. Maybe there are simply fewer people receptive to things like wandering spirits. Who knows. Still, so many reported sightings does make you wonder. Sharing this! 🙂
If I could converse with someone from the past, Lincoln would be one of my choices. Good theory about the skepticism.
What an interesting post. To see one’s death in a dream. I knew of someone in England who experienced this. Two weeks before his death he said he’d had a dream that there were lots of people in his room, looking at him and taking photos (he died in his bed, and forensics came in with a camera). As humans we think we know everything, but really we don’t. Keep the mysteries coming!
Wow! I’m not sure I’d want to see my death, but I’ve heard of instances where it’s happened. I love a good mystery, so there will be more to come. Thanks for visiting.
I didn’t know that Lincoln was purported to haunt the White House, Joan. How interesting!
It is an intriguing story. Lots a credible witnesses. Makes one wonder.