Hey, everyone! Can I say that I’m loving Soooz Burke’s weekly photo prompts? They have inspired me to begin several short stories that were in the back of my mind for months (some even years). This week’s prompt spoke to me immediately. Within minutes of seeing it, a new story sprang to mind.
If you don’t know about the prompt, visit Soooz’s blog to learn more. Basically, the challenge is to write a fiction or non-fiction post 750 words or less.
My contribution this week came in just under the limit. I hope you enjoy Lone Wolf.

Jake McLaughlin pulled the brim of his Stetson low on his forehead. Snow began to fall. He needed to check on the cattle before it became too heavy.
Urging Scout into a trot, he set off for the western boundary of the ranch. The livestock had been moved closer to the barns for the winter, but a few cows always tended to stray.
An hour later, Jake reached the remote pasture. It was his favorite place on the Double Diamond—an area where the wide-open range met the foothills. He often came here to be alone during the summer months. During the winter, he volunteered to check this spot, a job the other cowboys didn’t want. They preferred to stay closer to home.
At the crest of a hill, he pulled back on Scout’s reins. The Pinto halted, and Jake sat quietly, marveling at the sheer beauty of the area. Reveling in the silence of the falling snowflakes.
Every day for the past week, a solitary wolf had called out. He felt inexplicably drawn to this wild canine and began calling it Lone Wolf.
Maybe his affinity for the creature was due to the fact he was also a loner. While his bunkmates liked to carouse, play cards, and go into town every chance they got, Jake preferred a place to be alone. Preferably one where he could be in tune with nature.
After a few minutes, he heard what some would describe as a mournful howl. Jake found it comforting. Although he’d never gotten close enough to see the animal, he pictured the gray wolf standing on a rocky crevice, lifting its head as it called out.
He listened until the sound died away. Clouds were breaking to the west, the setting sun bathing the horizon in a golden hue. Satisfied there were no stray cattle in the area, he turned Scout back toward the ranch.
Jake continued his daily trek, always listening for Lone Wolf’s call. One day, there was only silence. He couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Likely it had moved to another area or joined in with a pack to hunt.
Shaking his head, he started back to the ranch.
Go back.
He nudged Scout to the area where Lone Wolf always called. As the horse drew closer, Jake heard whimpering. The animal was in trouble.
He dismounted, tied Scout’s reins to a low-hanging limb, then continued on foot. The sound grew louder, and he soon spied the wolf, its paw caught in the clutches of a trap.
Anger coursed through his veins. To Jake, setting traps was cruel and inhumane. Without help, this wolf would die.
He approached with caution. This was no pet dog but a wild animal. He knelt about ten feet away, his voice gentle.
“Hey, there. I’m here to help. Will you let me come close?”
Jake wasn’t sure how he knew the wolf sensed he meant no harm.
“Got yourself in a mess, huh?”
Once he was close enough, Jake saw the wolf’s paw wasn’t hurt. He pried the jaws of the trap apart. Once free, the wolf started to trot away. Stopped. Turned back to Jake as if to say, “Thank you.”
A week later, he was checking the area when a blizzard appeared out of nowhere. One minute there was light snowfall. The next brought howling winds and near white-out conditions.
He’d followed the trail of a stray cow into the foothills. The path in this area was treacherous on a good day, but the snowstorm made it worse. Scout was uncharacteristically skittish.
“Easy, boy. One wrong step and—”
Jake wasn’t sure how long he’d been out. He awoke, cold, alone, and in pain. It was almost dark. He’d freeze to death if he stayed here all night. Scout was nowhere around.
He pulled himself up. Pretty sure he’d broken a rib. He had to find shelter. Protection from the elements.
A gray figure appeared on the path. Lone Wolf turned and trotted back in the direction it came. Stopped every few feet as if to say, “Follow me.”
It wasn’t long until they came to a small cave. Lone Wolf waited for Jake to enter, then followed him inside. The two huddled together to stay warm.
Sunshine awakened Jake the following morning. He would be able to make it home now. The wolf licked his hand, then trotted away.
Lone Wolf had saved his life.
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33 Responses
Thanks so much for this great take on the challenge prompt, Joan. I’m so enjoying your entries. I have just had the pleasure of sharing this on the Challenge site. I’m delighted that these prompts have inspired your muse. 😊
Thank you, Soooz, for the prompts. For years, I’d thought about doing something like this and didn’t take the time. I’m so glad you’re doing them. And as always, thanks for sharing the post.
It has been such a joy to do this, Joan. The fact that some authors (Including myself) have had their muses re-ignited is pure icing on the cake.🤗
I loved this Joan and what a perfect ending! I hate the cruelty of traps and was glad the wolf was freed:)
I don’t like traps either. I understand people need to protect their livestock but, IMO traps are cruel.
Reblogged this on Anita Dawes & Jaye Marie ~ Authors.
Thank you for the reblog, Jaye!
Aw, this was a sweet story, kinda like the lion with the thorn in its paw. Great sense of setting, too, in such a short amount of words.
I told my husband the concept had been done before, but that’s what spoke to me. Glad you liked it.
A wonderul take on the prompt and a heartening story. Loved it, Joan 🙂
Thanks so much, Harmony!
What a beautiful response to the prompt, Joan. The interwoven episodes knit a very compelling story. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. ♥ And thank you, Soooz, for your outreach to writers through your prompts. ♥
Thank you, Gwen. This photo immediately spoke to me.
Cool story. I must be invested, because I wonder about the horse and the cow.
Well, if I decide to expand this one…
I loved it, Joan. Perfect golden rule story. Well done. 😁
Thank you, John!
There aren’t enough LOVES in the world for me to say how much I LOVE this piece, Joan! So well-written and such a moving story! Great response to this prompt! Wow! I want to more about Jake. I think I fell in love with him just a little. 🙂
I probably did too, Jan. There’s something about cowboys. 🙂 I could easily expand this story. I’m so glad you enjoyed it.
As an animal lover, I adored this, Joan!
Thanks, Teri. This photo really spoke to me.
A wonderful story of man and animal living together in harmony. Loved it.
Thank you so much, Karen!
Joan, I positively loved this! It hit all the right marks for me. From the setting to the vivid descriptions to the connection between Jake and Lone Wolf, I was hooked. I used to read a ton of Jack London when I was a teen, and this brought back memories of that wonderful connection between man and wild creature.
Call of The Wild was a favorite of mine. When I saw this photo, it spoke to me of the connection between man and animal. I could picture myself being in the very setting.
I LOVED THIS! Kindred spirits, and generous souls. This one really got to me, Joan!
Thanks, Judi. The moment I saw the photo, I knew what I wanted to write.
This was so cinematographic. I could totally see this on the big screen. Beautifully done, Joan.
Thank you, Staci. Somehow I pictured the old Marlboro man commercials, except I didn’t have Jake smoking. 🙂
What a beautiful story, Joan. I love the connection and respect between Jake and the wolf. The rich descriptions took me right into their world. A wonderful take on the prompt.
Thank you so much, Diana. I could picture myself being in that very place. Made it easier to write.
What a lovely story, Joan. It is nice to read something uplifting like this.
Thanks, Robbie. I love wildlife and nature, so I really enjoyed writing this story.