Hi, everyone! Can you believe we’re already into the fifth month of 2021? Summer is almost upon us. Wasn’t it just yesterday I wrote about Snowmageddon? February’s full moon was aptly named this year, but I think most Texans will agree we’d rather not see a repeat of that much cold and snow.

Speaking of Moons, it’s time for this month’s featured post. If you missed any of the others, you can click on the links below.

Waxing May Flower Moon
The sliver of a waxing Flower Moon

The May full moon is most often referred to as the Flower Moon. Appropriate for May flowers, right? It’s sometimes called the Budding Moon.

Interesting Facts

  • When the full moon coincides with a total lunar eclipse, it appears red. In this phenomenon known as the red (or blood) moon, the only light seen is refracted through the earth’s shadow. This light looks red due to Rayleigh scattering of the bluer light.
  • The Lunar Society of Birmingham, a dinner club and informal learned society of prominent figures who met in Birmingham, England between 1765 and 1813, took its name from the practice of meeting during the full moon. The extra light made the journey home easier and safer in the absence of street lighting.
  • This year’s Flower Moon occurs on Wednesday, May 26. There is also a total lunar eclipse at 7:19 a.m. Eastern time.
  • This is also the second supermoon of 2021.


It is lucky to see the first sliver of a new Moon “clear of the brush,” or unencumbered by foliage. (Looks like I captured the above photo at the right time!)

That wraps it up for this month’s lunar post. Do you plan to catch the eclipse?

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40 Responses

  1. Your photo is amazing and your explanation equally so. I look forward to seeing this Flower Moon. Thanks for sharing the interesting facts, always appreciated. 😊

  2. A beautiful photograph with the sliver of the moon hovering over the trees. I have marked the calendar to watch the eclipse. Thank you for sharing about the Flower Moon.

  3. I hope I get to see the Lunar eclipse. I’ll either be getting ready to leave for work or be driving to work at that time. I need to make a note to be on the lookout for it.
    I love your moon posts, Joan!

  4. Interesting post, Joan. I write about prehistoric fiction–before man knew the Moon was a thing, so constantly look for tidbits they would notice as different in their lives. A red moon qualifies!

  5. You did a great job capturing that moon shot, Joan. I love these posts. I love everything related to the moon cycles. 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

    • I’ve had a lot of fun doing these (and learning new things). I got lucky with that shot. I think I took it shortly after I purchased my Nikon SLR camera.

  6. How exciting an eclipse and full moon! This event settles my release day:) I will be watching for sure.

    • Good idea, Denise. I hadn’t thought about that for a release date. I’ll announce tomorrow, but I’m delaying mine until June 1. With all that’s been going on, I’m just not ready for Monday.

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