Hey, everyone. We’re already well into 2022, so this is a good time to list my writing goals for this year. I’ll also tell you a bit about the projects I’m working on this year.

A Book of Shorts (working title) is a collection of thirteen short stories. I’ve shared a couple of excerpts in past WIP Wednesday posts. To date, I have drafts of six stories completed. I’m currently writing the seventh story. The remaining ones are outlined and ready to write. (Yes, this panster is trying to be a better planner.)

The collection is mixed genre—some are ghost fiction, some are mystery and suspense, there is one military/family fiction story, and at least one romantic suspense. Two of the stories will have dual timelines.

Blood Red Dawn is the second book of the Legends of Madeira series. I’ve also completed a loose outline, and I plan to begin writing it as soon as I complete the short stories.

In Cold Dark Night, I introduced minor characters Connor Hughes and Abbey Lane. They’ll take center stage in book two. Like the first book, there will be dual timelines and a legend.

My goal is to publish both the short story collection and Blood Red Dawn this year.

I have a third project that’s been on my mind, but it’s still in the thinking/planning stage. Suffice to say, it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while, but with plans to release two books this year, I don’t want to stretch myself too thin.

Last year, I joined Vocal. While I only submitted one story, I’d like to participate more this year. If you didn’t get a chance to read my submission, you can do so by clicking here. By the way, an expanded version of The Dare will be included in the short story collection.

As far as blogging, I’m continuing the Mystery Monday posts on the first Monday of each month. Those who have followed my blog for a while know that I did a series last year on the Native American names of the moons. To take place of that, I have a new series I’m calling Legends and Lore.

While somewhat similar to Mystery Monday, Legends and Lore will feature urban legends and folklore. I’ll post these on the third Monday of each month.

The first post is scheduled for next week, and the topic is a well-known legend from the city of Dallas in my home state of Texas.

I began sending a newsletter late last year and I plan to continue to write and send one every other month. To subscribe, just click the link on the sidebar.

Finally, a personal note. Big changes are coming for me. While I haven’t formally announced my plans (my immediate coworkers know), I’m retiring at the end of August. Needless to say, I’m getting excited. That means I’ll have more time to write.

Maybe I will do that third project…

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29 Responses

  1. I love the goals you set for yourself and the upcoming retirement too! Yay 🙂 Sounds like its going to be a great year for you.

  2. Wonderful goals! Good luck with everything. It sounds like the short story collection will be the first thing published this year?? I look forward to reading it!
    You’re plotting! It will be interesting at the end of the year to hear whether or not all the planning was worth it.

  3. Those are great goals, Joan! I can’t wait to see what you produce. And I love the idea for a new blog series. You’ve piqued my curiosity about Dallas. Best of luck with all of your endeavors AND retirement!!

  4. I love your goals, Joan. I enjoyed your moon series and I can’t wait for your Legends and Lores series. I know it will be great.

    Congratulation on your upcoming retirement. Enjoy it.

    • Thank you, Michele. I kept thinking I wasn’t quite ready to retire and then one day… I knew it was time. Hope you’ll enjoy the Legends and Lore posts.

  5. What an exciting year you have ahead of you, Joan! I’m excited for you!! I love the idea of the Legends & Lore posts and will definitely tune in for those. I know it’s a little early, but congrats on retirement. You’re probably looking forward to that more than anything else.

  6. An exciting year is ahead for you. Retiring is not the correct word (in my humble opinion). It should be I am rejuvenating or redirecting. Since my so-called retirement, I have been busier than ever and enjoying many adventures, challenges, and new projects. Congratulations, Joan. I am excited to follow your new life after August.

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