Hi, Readers. I’m delighted to welcome back friend and fellow author Mae Clair to my site today. She has just released a brand new book, the first of her new Hode’s Hill Series. I’ve had the pleasure of reading this one and I promise you won’t be disappointed. Please give a warm welcome to Mae as she talks about Cusp of Night.
Hello, and thank you so much for having me on your blog today. I’m delighted to be sharing my newest release, Cusp of Night. This book combines past and present timelines, a growing trend in the mystery/suspense genre. I’m not only a fan as a writer, but as a reader, too. I love the back-and-forth element of two mysteries that ultimately need to clash head-on at the end.
In Cusp of Night, I address an assault and disappearances in the present, with an urban legend and spiritualism in the past. Both stories and timelines have the same setting in common. Although the town of Hode’s Hill, Pennsylvania is purely fictional, I was able to draw upon familiar elements from my childhood, growing up in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Nestled on the banks of Susquehanna River, Harrisburg is a town that enjoys an active Riverfront with everything from festivals and concerts to fireworks and parades. A few steps away you can find cultural exhibits, museums, athletics stadiums, eclectic dining, water sports and more. When I envisioned Hode’s Hill, I “borrowed” many of those elements. My town is built on smaller scale, surrounded by outlying rural areas, but I wasn’t above pirating a few of the basics I’d grown up with.
My river became the Chinkwe—a word that means “bobcat” in the language of Native American tribes from the Delaware. My Riverfront isn’t quite as active, but it benefits from similar walking/biking trails and the occasional festival—most notably the Fiend Fest—an event held every June to commemorate a creature of urban legend.
You can’t live in a river town without bridges and I added several to Hode’s Hill, including the remains of the Old Orchard Truss Bridge, an old walking bridge built in the 1800s.
Harrisburg had a similar truss bridge, constructed in 1889. Once open to traffic, the Walnut Street Bridge was converted to a walking bridge after Hurricane Agnes did massive damage in ‘72. In 1996 Harrisburg experienced a substantial blizzard, followed immediately by rising temperatures and an unexpected thaw. Already weakened, the bridge decking was ripped away in the river and swept downriver. The spans folded against the Market Street Bridge, crushed like matchsticks. The entire video, shot by an amateur photographer, can be seen here.
My brother was living in Florida at the time and recalls walking down a street to find a group of people clustered in front of store window with a TV. When he stopped to see what they were watching, he discovered the tragedy of the Walnut Street Bridge.
If you click the video link, the most dramatic images come at the end when all that metal folds under the unyielding force of the Market Street Bridge. Below is a photo of the Walnut Street Bridge, taken after the destruction.

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
Attribution: Rob Tucher Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
A coalition was eventually formed to preserve the bridge, with the eastern span repaired and opened to pedestrians.
Although the destruction of the Walnut Street Bridge happed decades in the past, I drew on that event to create a history for the Old Orchard Truss Bridge in Hode’s Hill. It’s just one of several bridges in my fictional town, a tip of the hat to an area I remember well—swimming in the river as a child, sitting on the riverbank to watch fireworks, boating under bridge spans, and walking Riverfront paths during festivals.
In Hode’s Hill, my lead character, Maya Sinclair discovers that not all festivals are frivolous fun. Here’s a look at the blurb:

Forli, Emilia Romagna, Italy: narrow dark alley in the old town – ancient Italian street at night with lampposts and cobbled pavement
Recently settled in Hode’s Hill, Pennsylvania, Maya Sinclair is enthralled by the town’s folklore, especially the legend about a centuries-old monster. A devil-like creature with uncanny abilities responsible for several horrific murders, the Fiend has evolved into the stuff of urban myth. But the past lives again when Maya witnesses an assault during the annual “Fiend Fest.” The victim is developer Leland Hode, patriarch of the town’s most powerful family, and he was attacked by someone dressed like the Fiend.
Compelled to discover who is behind the attack and why, Maya uncovers a shortlist of enemies of the Hode clan. The mystery deepens when she finds the journal of a late nineteenth-century spiritualist who once lived in Maya’s house–a woman whose ghost may still linger.
Known as the Blue Lady of Hode’s Hill due to a genetic condition, Lucinda Glass vanished without a trace and was believed to be one of the Fiend’s tragic victims. The disappearance of a young couple, combined with more sightings of the monster, trigger Maya to join forces with Leland’s son Collin. But the closer she gets to unearthing the truth, the closer she comes to a hidden world of twisted secrets, insanity, and evil that refuses to die . . .
You can find Mae Clair at the following haunts:
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48 Responses
This is a great post, Mae and Joan! I have Mae’s book on my e-reader and can’t wait to get to it! I love all the research that you put into your writing, Mae, and all the folklore. Best of luck with the launch 🙂
You’ll love it, Harmony! Thanks for stopping by!!
Thanks, Harmony. I’m a sponge for folklore and research. I really had a blast writing this one!
I’m excited to read this one. I’m also impressed at how many unique posts you were able to create.
So glad you’re looking forward to it, Craig.
Would you believe I wrote 18 different posts? I had to create a spreadsheet for them, so I knew who was hosting what and when. It’s the most effort I’ve put into an online book launch ever!
I’ve never pre-written more than 10. I usually get an interview request or something to add to that, but not this time.
I don’t know if I’ll ever do this many again. I still have one more blogger I owe a post. I need to go back to the well again.
That’s the problem. They start swirling in my mind after a while.
That amazes me too, Craig! Guest posts and blurbs are harder for me to write than books! Thanks for stopping by today!
That video is chilling. I was so nervous for the idiots who were on the bridge! Nature’s power… never take it for granted.
Great post, Mae. I love that you wove your memories into your latest work.
I know! Can you believe those people standing on the bridge watching all that metal and ice headed straight for them? No the brightest bulbs in the batch!
Having grown up in Pennsylvania, I think you do the same…weaving familiar memories into your stories. I think it’s a cool thing to do. Keystoners, rock! 🙂
I absolutely do. Often I’m overt about it and just set it in Pittsburgh or nearby. But Cathedral Lake is a made-up city in Western PA. I don’t know if I ever say so, but it is.
Could you believe those people? It takes all kinds, I guess…
Insanity! (But I’m not surprised.)
Joan, sorry I’m late in popping by today. The morning got away from me, but I had to send out a huge THANK YOU for being such a lovely and gracious host. I truly appreciate the time on your blog! 🙂
Well, I’m even later than you! LOL! It’s always a pleasure to have you as a guest and best of luck!
Reblogged this on From the Pen of Mae Clair and commented:
If you’ve read any of my Point Pleasant series, you know I have a fondness for river towns and an attachment to historic bridges. I’m visiting Joan Hall today with a post about the destruction of another historic bridge and how it inspired a plot thread in Cusp of Night. If you get a chance, pop over and check it out!
While you’re there poke around Joan’s blog and website. She’s a good friend and wonderful mystery writer. Check out her Driscoll Lake series for more small town whodunits!
Mae, thanks for reblogging this! Wishing you all the best with the release!!
The video was something, Joan. Congrats, Mae and Thank you, Joan.
I remember when it happened, John. I don’t live in Harrisburg now, but am only about twelve miles outside, and I can still remember watching the video on the our local news channel the day it happened. I think authors collect tidbits in our minds and dig them out when they can be used in a story. The bridge collapse happened 16 years before I started publishing professionally. That’s a long time to carry around a plot tidbit, LOL.
But carry we do. My longest carry was 60 years
Wow! That has to be some kind of record 🙂
John, that was a scary thing to watch! Thanks so much for stopping by today!
Great shot of the bridge. Collapsing bridges is a big fear of mine. I speed over them.
I think I’m worse about driving under them, Denise. Heaven forbid I would get stuck in traffic underneath an overpass. We have a few really old railroad crossing bridges in our area (I call them troll bridges), one near a red light. I’ve been stuck in traffic under that bridge before and have literal chills when I’m sitting there!
I have a fear of bridges – especially truss bridges. Guess I’m a little claustrophobic but I don’t like all that metal surrounding me!
Another great post, Mae. The excitement builds as the images become more compelling. Thank you, Joan, for hosting incredible Mae. 🙂
Thank you so much for stopping by, Gwen!
You are so sweet, Gwen. I am so delighted you’ve been following my tour and thrilled you’ve been enjoying it., Joan has been a wonderful host and I’m thrilled you had a moment to drop by!
The bridge looks like a good place for a Fiend to hang out. Poor Graham! I’m worried about him. I’ll have to read longer tonight:) I’m loving this story!
You have me thrilled you’re reading this story and enjoying it,Judi. Also that you’re enjoying the posts. Would you believe Graham was one of those characters I didn’t plan? He popped up in that initial scene and said “write more about me.” Of course,I agreed, LOL!
Graham feels like such a natural for this story, I thought you’d planned him from the beginning. Writing surprises are so much fun!
They are. Graham popped in when he made that appearance at the Fiend Fest and then I had to figure out what to do with him–or more precisely, he TOLD me what to do with him! 🙂
Hard to put this one down, isn’t it? Thanks for stopping by today!
How interesting, Mae. Nature frequently conquers man’s attempts to contain it. I love the sound of this book.
Nature is a powerful force. Interesting when we can bring some of those elements into a story.
I agree with you about nature, Robbie. There’s something about the fact that despite all of our advances, we are still at it’s mercy. I’ve used nature as a force in several of my books. The truth is it fascinates me.
Thanks for visiting today and I’m delighted you like the sound of the book!
Reblogged this on anita dawes and jaye marie.
Thanks for the reblog!
Thank you for sharing the post! 🙂
Can’t believe people were still standing on the other bridge – that video gave me goosebumps!
Unbelievable isn’t it? But as they say, it takes all kinds. Thanks for stopping by, Teri!
I know. They were nuts, right? Who does stuff like that, LOL!
[…] was a guest on my site this week. She has a brand new release which I know you’ll love. Click here to read about Cusp of […]
Reblogged this on Viv Drewa – The Owl Lady.
Thank you kindly, Viv!
You’re very welcome, Mae!
Hugz on owl wings! @v@ <3