Most everyone has heard of the Bermuda Triangle—an area of the Atlantic Ocean where numerous ships and planes have mysteriously disappeared. I wrote a blog post about five planes, known as Flight 19, that vanished there in 1945.

However, did you know there is a similar phenomenon in Alaska? It seems there are also many mysterious happenings in our largest and northernmost state.

The Alaska Triangle is located in a vast and largely untouched wilderness. It stretches from Anchorage, southeast to Juneau, then to the north coast city of Utqiagvik (formerly known as Barrow). The area has some of North America’s most unforgiving wilderness.

The Alaskan Wilderness area near Denali National Park (Public Domain)

In October 1972, a small private plane carrying House Majority Leader Hale Boggs, Alaskan Congressman Nick Begich, an aide named Russell Brown, and bush pilot Don Jonz vanished on a flight from Anchorage to Juneau.

An extended search consisting of fifty civilian planes, forty military aircraft, and dozens of boats searched a 32,000 square mile area. They found no trace of the plane, wreckage, or debris.

Strangely, this wasn’t the first disappearance in the triangle. In 1950, a military aircraft with forty-four passengers disappeared without a trace. In 1990 a Cessna carrying four passengers vanished.

These mysterious disappearances are strangely typical of this area, and they aren’t uncommon. Since 1988 more than 16,000 people have vanished there. This amounts to an annual rate of about four missing persons for every 1,000 people in Alaska. More than twice the national average.

An aerial view of Denali’s summit. Creative Commons photo by unagiinu via Wikimedia Commons

There are many theories for these unexplained vanishings—everything from aliens, to swirling energy vortexes, and even a shape-shifting demon known in Tlingit Indian lore as Kushtaka. Some attribute the vanishings to cryptids that supposedly live in the area.

A more scientific explanation is geography and climate. Alaska is also known for extreme weather conditions, including avalanches. While it’s easy to imagine hikers wandering off trail and succumbing to the elements, how do you explain the disappearance of aircraft?

Again, science has an explanation. The state’s massive glaciers contain giant holes, hidden caves, and crevices large enough to swallow a plane.

But isn’t it more intriguing to consider the other possibilities?

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36 Responses

  1. If a plane were to go missing, Alaska might be one of the places I’d think this most likely to happen with its rugged terrain and large wilderness areas.

  2. I like to consider the other possibilities. I’ve wondered about this area since I learned about it years ago… almost more than the Bermuda Triangle. I can see losing a plane in the ocean. But how do you lose a plane among trees? Interesting…

    Thanks, Joan.

  3. I haven’t heard about The Alaska Triangle before. Fascinating! I’d definitely love to explore the less scientific what ifs. Thanks for sharing, Joan. Have a wonderful week 💕🙂

  4. I grew up in Alaska, so I’ve heard of the Alaska Triangle. There are so many dangers in the wilderness that it’s easy to see how hikers go missing, but planes… now that’s another story!

  5. Fascinating stuff. My mind immediately goes to an energy vortex, much like the Bermuda Triangle. But for aircraft to totally disappear with any trace, no wreckage, no debris – that’s a whole other ballgame. Maybe there are holes big enough to swallow them up, but why? I’ll go with it being a concentrated area for alien abductions. 🙂 Thanks for sharing, Joan!

  6. Years ago, I read a novel that used the Alaskan Triangle. It was the first time I ever heard of it. I can’t recall the name of the book but I think it used underwater volcanoes as being a trigger for the disappearances. Now you’ve got me thinking about it again and set on tracking down that book, LOL.

    Fascinating stuff!

  7. Wow, Joan. That’s a lot of disappearances! And large numbers of people in some of them. I wonder about aircraft in trouble trying to land on water or ice (because trees and rocks would rip an aircraft to shreds). Then the plane breaks through and sinks. Hypothermia would destroy much chance of survival. Hmmm. Great post, and beautiful photos.

  8. This is a fascinating one, Joan! I’ve never heard of the Alaska Triangle, but you have my interest! Thank you so much for sharing this history! I agree with you; I’d rather think of the possibilities outside of boring scientific reasoning.

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