Many areas in the southern United States are rich with stories about hauntings and superstitions. Several of my ancestors who lived in Northern Alabama passed down many stories of hauntings, folklore, and unexplained events to younger generations.
The legend of the Bell Witch is a tale of American Folklore from the state of Tennessee. The legend supposedly attracted the attention of then future president General Andrew Jackson.
Like many legends, there are varying accounts as to the identity of the Bell Witch and the purpose of her visits.
John Bell, along with his wife and children, moved from North Carolina to Robertson County, Tennessee in 1804. The Bell Farm comprised 320 acres of rich farmland along the Red River. For the first thirteen years, the family lived a peaceful life. They attended the Red River Baptist Church, where John Bell became a deacon.

During the summer of 1817, events happened that changed the lives of the Bell family. Some of them began seeing strange looking animals around the property. Knocking sounds on the doors and outer walls of the house came late at night. Sounds of rats gnawing on bedposts, chains dragging through the house, and stones being dropped were heard. These strange occurrences culminated in the sounds of someone gulping and choking.
The terrified family kept their problems a secret for over a year. Finally, John Bell confided in a neighbor, James Johnson. He invited Mr. and Mrs. Johnson to spend the night. After witnessing these strange occurrences, Mr. Johnson suggested more people needed to know.
Before long, people came from miles around to see and hear the unknown force that terrorized the Bell house. I find it interesting that as more people came, the unseen entity developed a voice. When asked, the voice gave different identities. The spirit once stated it was the witch of a neighbor woman named Kate Batts. From then on, people called the entity, “Kate,” the “Bell’s Witch.”
There are differing accounts of Kate’s reasons for visiting the Bell family. Even on the farm’s website (now a popular tourist attraction), the reasons vary.
Some say Kate wanted to kill John Bell. She also wanted to stop John’s youngest daughter Betsy from marrying a neighbor boy named Joshua Gardner.
For three years, “Kate” tormented the Bell family almost daily. John and Betsy received the worst physical abuse. Betsy’s hair was pulled, she was pinched, scratched, and stuck with pins.
John Bell suffered from spells of swelling of the throat. He later developed twitching and jerking of his facial muscles. Kate would blast him with curses and hideous threats during these spells. As time went on, John Bell became weaker and weaker.
Kate finally accomplished her mission when John Bell died in December 1820. The following March, Betsy broke off her engagement to Joshua Gardner.
Sources say Kate said goodbye, promising to return in seven years. Supposedly, she returned in 1828 for a few short weeks to the home of John Bell Jr. where she had several long talks with him about the past, present, and future. Kate also said there was a reason for his father’s death, but she never stated what it was.
Again, there are discrepancies. One account says Kate Batts was angry with John Bell, believing he cheated her in a land deal. On her deathbed, she vowed to haunt him and his decedents forever. Other accounts say the voice said, “I am a spirit. I once was very happy but have been disturbed.” The spirit gave diverse explanations of why it appeared, tying its presence to the disturbance of a Native American burial ground located on the Bell Property.
After “Kate’s” second visit, she vowed to return in 107 years. That would have been in 1935. However, some believe she never left the area.
The legend, along with numerous tales, continued into the twentieth century. There are many skeptics, and some who knew Betsy suspected her of fraud. One skeptic, Ben Radford, said the Bell Witch story is important for all paranormal researchers. “It shows how easily legend and myth can be mistaken for fact and real events and how easily the lines are blurred when sources are not checked.”
Regardless of skepticism, The Bell Witch Legend is a part of Tennessee history and is still taught in schools today.
42 Responses
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Thank you for the reblog, Rae!
Fascinating, Joan 🙂 i find it interesting they had people come to experience it too. For whatever reason, it sure got attention.
That is interesting, Denise. Shows that the family wasn’t just making up the story.
I love stories like this.. little pieces of history that leave you wondering.
But I also would have been Gone the second weird crap started to happen.. there would have been none of this “The terrified family kept their problems a secret for over a year.” Nope.
I totally agree, Sheri. I would have been out of there in a heartbeat.
Lol. I’ll do a lot of things in the name of curiosity but I have no interest in messing with forces beyond my ken.😅
I’m not sure I could have stayed there for so long, nor kept it quiet for all that time. Incredibly interesting that so many other people experienced the same things when they stayed there,
Fascinating, story, Joan. Thanks for sharing. Hugs 💕🙂
I know I wouldn’t have stayed there! Thanks, Harmony.
I have heard of the Bell Witch before. It’s a fascinating subject, and I wonder if we’ll ever completely separate the actual history from the myth.
It is fascinating, Priscilla. There must be at least some credence to the story since it’s talked about in Tennessee schools. But like most things, there is always myth and legend associated with what actually happened.
I’ve heard of this story before and seen many shows investigating it. It’s a fascinating story.
it is a fascinating story, Jeanne. I can’t remember where I first learned of it.
What a fascinating story! Interesting that it is taught in the Tennesee schools. Is it taught as folklore/legend (as opposed to history)?
I’m not sure about that, Liz. I would think at least partially history given the family did exist. But surely they would have to bring in the legend/folklore element.
I love stories like this. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I love researching and sharing them. Thanks for visiting today, Craig.
I enjoy hearing about these mysteries/folklores. It’s fascinating that this one made into Tennessee schools.
I don’t belive if that were happening to me or my family, that I would have wanted to stay. Also, if I wan’ted to leave, shaing that with others would have made it nearly impossible.
I love these types of stories, Michele. I do find it interesting that it’s talked about in Tennessee schools.
I watched a movie in the last year that had a very similar plot. I wonder if it was based on this story. (I can’t remember the name of the movie for the life of me, but you know I was hooked by the premise.) Fascinating stuff, Joan.
That’s interesting, Staci. Some say “The Blair Witch Project” (which I’ve never seen) was partially based on this story.
I knew that was loosely based on A story. Just not THIS story. (I never saw it.) It’s driving me nuts that I can’t think of what I saw.
I never saw it either. I read that the movie’s creators deny it was based on any true story. If you ever remember what you saw, I’m curious.
I couldn’t take it. Finally found it with this ridiculous search: “movie about guy who believed his neighbor witch cast a curse on him and his family”
It was called An American Haunting (2005) and apparently was based on the Bell Witch legend.
LOL. You sound like me. Now I’m going to see if I can find it on a streaming service or somewhere.
Another fascinating story, Joan. My mother used to tell of a place somewhere in either Oklahoma or Missouri where they moved into a vacant house only to be disturbed by many occurrences like this one. They heard chains being dragged across the front porch, and when they’d run to look, nothing was there. Many times they watched a figure go into the outhouse but never emerge. Spirits get trapped for many reasons, and it sounds like that may be the case with the Bell Witch. Thank you for sharing!
Now that would be freaky, Jan. My grandfather told of an old steamship where a former captain had a wooden leg. He claimed to have heard the man’s footsteps many times (and years after the man died). Too freaky for me.
I’ve had this book for years, but haven’t gotten around to reading it, yet. It’s amazing that this is taught in schools – I’d have been all over that lesson!
I found that part interesting, Teri. It’s on the Witch Cave’s website. I can’t remember anything quite like that in Texas schools. 🙂
I couldn’t stay in that house, even if I had to put up a tent somewhere else on the property. If I thought a dead witch wanted to kill me, I’d pull up stakes.
Me too, Judi. I don’t think a tent on the property would be far enough away.
I definitely would not have lasted in that house for any length of time. Even if the story is only partially true, that’s still too much drama for me. Another great mystery, Joan, thank you!
Me either, Gwen. It takes a lot to frighten me, but… Thanks for stopping by today.
Creepy! I’m curious as to what Kate shared with John Jr. It seems her wrath was focused on his father.
It is interesting that her wrath seemed to be focused on the father. I know one thing. If that had happened to me, I wouldn’t have wanted to stay in that house.
I probably say this way too often, but this is one of my favorite stories. Some of the things you’ve shared, I didn’t know! It’s such an interesting tale! The location of the property is only about 3 hours from where I live, and I hope to one day visit. Thank you for giving us a look into the Bell Family!
I found a lot of information on the website, but also other sources. If you ever visit there, I hope you’ll share your experience. It is a fascinating story, Mar.
What a story! I’d like to disbelieve potentially apocryphal events, but there is too much there to be fake, isn’t there. How sad for this family.
This was a very bizarre story, Jacqui.
So interesting, Joan. What a story. I wonder about hauntings and how much of it is mass hysteria and how much of it is real. The older I get, the more willing I’m to believe that humans will fall for and believe anything!
While I believe there are some things that can’t be easily explained, I think a lot is someone’s vivid imagination. I love exploring the stories behind hauntings, however. With legends there are often variations depending on what part of the country the story is set.
It’s absolutely fascinating, and I can imagine that the research is fun. I didn’t think about the geographical differences, but it makes sense.