Hey, Readers. Last Friday I promised an “I’m Retired” post. It’s a good thing I looked back because I almost postponed this until next week.
I also shared a photo of my new “office” which is really a writing nook. Years ago, I envisioned a separate room with a fancy desk. It would have large windows overlooking a green lawn with woods beyond where wildlife would often visit.
Instead, I have a small writing table that suits me just fine. There are windows where I can look out. My husband’s hobby (one of them) is feeding birds (I swear we may go broke buying feeders and bird seed). We have a variety, including titmice, chickadees, cardinals, nuthatches, indigo buntings, sparrows, and more. We even saw a painted bunting a few times.
Unfortunately, we have to deal with raccoons and squirrels. Don’t get me started on the pesky squirrels (pretty sure hubs has a squirrel feeder as well), but raccoons are opportunists. Using a live trap, he’s trapped and relocated four of them to a nearby wildlife preserve. John stopped doing that when a mama and her four babies were at one of our feeders. He couldn’t stand the thought of accidentally separating a family. So yes, I’m able to see wildlife from my windows.
But back to my retirement. The first couple of weeks has gone fast. I still feel like I’m on vacation. Last week was extremely busy. We ordered a new sofa, had it delivered, and the old one hauled away. For the first time in months, I went to the grocery store with John. He likes to shop (and cook) so most of the time, I’ll leave that up to him.
I shared a photo of my writing nook last week, so today I want to share a few things that are on the desk and wall.

The image on the left is, of course, my desk. It’s comfy and cozy, so that’s what matters. Last winter, when I decided to retire, I treated myself to a brand new Dell all-in-one desktop. Everything’s wireless and there’s only one cord for the electrical plug. We’ve come a long way from all those separate cords for printers, keyboards, speakers, and the mouse. And let’s not forget the phone line for dial-up internet. (Thank goodness those days are behind us.)
The second image was a gift from a coworker. She knows how much I love to read and of course my cats. She couldn’t have found anything that looked more like my Tucker.
The third image was a parting gift from my coworkers at the hospital. Several of them signed the mat and expressed their well wishes. The place I worked was once a World War II Army training base. At one time, German prisoners of war were kept there. The foreground is a photo of the Camp Fannin Veteran’s Memorial. That’s pretty special in itself because my father-in-law was discharged through Camp Fannin.
After the war, the U. S. Government deeded 600 acres and the old hospital building to the State of Texas. The hospital served as a tuberculosis sanitarium for years. In 1977, it became part of the University of Texas system.
A couple of other items on the desk are a small piece of pottery just to the right of the monitor. It was a gift from one of the doctors I used to work with. It sat by my work computer for years, so it’s only appropriate that it sits by my home computer now. The other is a coaster from another coworker (close-up image on the right). It’s raku pottery and came from Chama, New Mexico.
This brings me back to writing. My Legends of Maderia series is set in northern New Mexico. Although my plans to write and publish the second novel this year didn’t transpire, I plan to start writing it next month. The photo on my computer screen will be used in the book cover for Blood Red Dawn. The picture wasn’t taken in New Mexico but at Fort Griffin, Texas. However, it was just what I needed for the ruins of my fictional Fort McKittrick.
That’s it for now. More about writing including my short-story collection and Blood Red Dawn next week.
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48 Responses
Five years into retirement and still loving it. The only unhappy people I know are those who don’t have hobbies or things to keep their minds and bodies occupied. I have some friends who couldn’t stand it and returned to work. My brothers and I joke about how we ever found the time to work.
Best of luck to the two of you in retirement.
Thanks, Pete. I’ve heard of people who return to work because they’re bored out of their minds. Don’t think that’s going to happen to me. I was a bit concerned about my husband, but he’s found plenty to do and he loves retirement.
I had the same concerns about my wife, but it didn’t take long to realize there was nothing to worry about. She found her groove right away too.
What a treat to see a painted bunting! Enjoy your permanent “vacation” Joan. 😉
I’ve only seen three in my lifetime, so this was a special treat. They are so beautiful.
I love having items with special meaning surrounding my writing space. Thanks for the tour of those that have significance to you. All are wonderful. I especially love the cats/books plaque, and the tag accompanying the coaster is a wonderful message to remember. Happy retirement and happy writing, Joan!
I saved that little tag. I used to help my brother when he fired Raku pottery, and it’s true. Not every piece survives the fire. My little writing nook is coming together. Now, to write. 😉 Thanks, Mae!
It looks and sounds wonderful. It’s become much harder to have a work/life balance for me. Everything I do involves rushing and I would love to retire.
It became increasingly more difficult to find that balance, especially in the past year. Lots of changes, learning new software systems, you name it. I didn’t realize how “tired” my brain was until this week. No wonder I wasn’t able to write anything of significance.
That sounds just like my workplace.
You’ll get there one day, Craig. I never thought retirement would come for me. The years pass faster than I imagined.
I’m so happy for you, Joan. You’ll soon find out that you’ll be as busy as you ever were — at least that is true with me. But your focus will shift and alas, the sun will shine a little brighter. 🌞
It’s already been a busy two weeks, Gwen. Hopefully, I’m settling into a routine. I already know that I need to discipline myself to set aside a certain time for writing, otherwise I’ll never get anything accomplished. Denise’s Story Empire post from yesterday was timely for me.
Thanks for the tour, Joan! Raccoons visit us, too. We had 6 last night according to the exterior camera. And then a bobcat. Have fun writing the second Legends of Maderia book!
The raccoons are adorable, but they’re also pesky. One of the things I’d like to get is an outdoor camera/trail camera. There’s no telling what comes around at night.
Looks like you settled into retired life easily. And it agrees with you.
Can’t wait to see all the writing you get done now. Best wishes, Joan.
I am loving it! Thanks, Staci.
Congratulations on making such a great transition into retirement, Joan! I love your work space and that you have surrounded yourself with things that have special meaning to you. I tend to do a lot of that, too. And I have to say, our cats must have been twins separated at birth, if yours looks like the one on that poster. So does our Harry (Blackstone Copperfield Dresden). Right down to the beautiful tuxedo markings and the pink nose. (I just love a black cat with a pink nose!!) I’m also an ardent bird watcher, and love having a big window by my desk that overlooks our feeders. I have found baffles that work to keep the squirrels off of my feeder trays, so they are now the Ground Crew, responsible for cleaning up everything the bigger birds knock out of the tray.
Here’s wishing you big success as you work on your new novel. I’m hoping that over during my autumn semi-break, I’ll finally start getting caught up on all my reading, and that includes several of your books, too. I’ll have 2-1/2 months or so for some R&R and I’m adding a THIRD R, as well. (Rest & Recuperation & READING!) Looking forward to that most of all. (I hear some Legends calling me, and they keep mentioning a place called Madeira! Can’t wait!)
Happy Retirement and Happy Writing!! 🤗💖🤗
I love my Tuxedo cat. I also love my little black max, Little Bit. We’ll have to look into getting some of those baffles.
Wishing you lots of RRR, Marcia.
Love the tour and the wildlife! Here’s to a happy retirement and some productive writing in your near future, Joan. Hugs 💕🙂
Thanks, Harmony! Maybe I’ll soon get some wildlife photos that I can share. I had one of the bunting, but it was taken through a screen window and not very clear.
I love your new space and all the wildlife nearby too! Happy retirement and a new chapter in your writing.
I love seeing the wildlife, Denise. I’m enjoying this new life. 🙂
Your space looks great, Joan. That photo taken at Fort Griffen is spectacular. Best wishes on your retirement years. I have been at it for ten and would never go back. 😁
Thanks, John. Wish I could take credit for the photo, but it’s a stock image I purchased.
Ah. Still is beautiful and will make a great cover.
Thanks, John. Confession: the book cover is already done and I haven’t even written the story. 🙂
Ha ha ha, I think that is great way to go.
LOL. We spend a small fortune on birds and pets, too. Wish I had your blue buntings, but I have all the rest, as well as blue jays who scream when I get the paper in the mornings, so I’ll throw out peanuts for them and the squirrels. I don’t have a view at my desk, which is maybe a good thing:) I don’t get as distracted. Sounds like you’re ready to dig in and enjoy retirement and writing. Congrats!
I hate to think how much we’ve spent on bird food this past year, but that’s okay. We both enjoy watching them, and it gives John something to do. (Not that he lacks anything – he keeps busy.) Today, he saw a Baltimore Oriole in our bird bath. I’ve never seen one, but we’re on the migration path. Guess it pays to keep the feeders going year round – I used to stop feeding during the warm weather months.
Once in a while, we get a Baltimore Oriole that doesn’t stay long, but each spring, I put out a feeder for them with hummingbird food and grape jelly, just in case.
I love your writing nook, Joan – and I especially love the print of the cat. He really looks like Tucker! My dad made a hobby for a good many years at trying to outsmart the squirrels and build something to prevent them from stealing the birdseed. Some of the contraptions worked for a while – then the squirrels would wise up again. He finally broke down and bought something on Amazon that seemed to work the last time I was there. I swear it’s all a learning curve for the squirrels. Glad you’re enjoying retirement!
Those squirrels are smart little devils, as are the raccoons. John has even tried red pepper flakes, hot bird seed cakes, and something I brought from Amazon. Didn’t deter them, they kept on eating.
Yep, that cat sure looks like Tucker. (Of course Tucker is never far from me while I’m writing.)
It looks as if your retirement is off to a great start! Happy writing!!
Thanks so much, Liz. I’ve often thought about what you said a few weeks ago about having a certain time to write and approaching it like a job. I can see the need of doing that, otherwise, I won’t get anything accomplished. But these first two weeks have been a vacation. 😉
You’re welcome, Joan. Vacations are important, too!
Love your writing nook. I believe that when we fill our area with meaningful items it stimulates our creativity. I have photos, plants, and a favorite statue…plus a view of the lake.
A view of the lake sounds wonderful, Karen. In the 20 years I worked at my job, there were only six months when I had a window. I had photographs of the Grand Canyon and Alaska on my walls to help me imagine the outdoors.
I agree about the meaningful items stimulating our creativity. Music often inspires me, and although I can’t listen while I’m writing, I’m able to access my playlists if I get in a rut.
It takes a while to get past the feeling like you are on vacation. 🙂 I love your writing nook and the personal things you have accompanying your space. Here’s to many new books to come out of that cozy writing nook!!
I think I’m getting there. When a vacation begins, we’re all excited. As time goes on, we think, “I have four more days of vacation, three, two, one. It’s a great feeling knowing I don’t have to go back to work!
Love your writing nook, and I look forward to your stories to come.
Thanks so much, Michele!
Congrats on your retirement and thanks for sharing your writing space as well as the news that you’re starting on your next book! Lots of writing going on. I think you’ll find that your retirement days will continue to fly by. Enjoy every moment!
Thanks, Diana. I’m settling into a routine, but it’s amazing how quickly the days are already passing.
I have a feeling you’ll be busier than ever!
Happy Retirement! Been retired 4 years now and loving it!
Thanks, Lenore. Three weeks and counting for me and I already love it!