Last week I promised myself I would share a new photo but guess what? It didn’t happen. So, I looked back in my archives and found this one taken from the balcony of our hotel last year in Corpus Christi, Texas.

And so much for blogging more than once a week. I really had good intentions… However, the good news is I’m writing again. The muse visited a week ago and so far has hung around. That’s a good thing because I’m way behind on writing the third novel of my Driscoll Lake Series.

Sometimes delays are a good thing because the story is coming together better than I thought possible a couple of months ago.

Hope your week has been a good one. And now for a few writing links…


12 Responses

  1. That great news on the writing front, Joan. Best of luck with it! What a lovely photo. If I didn’t need to work, I could sit looking at that all day, lols! 🙂

    • I always say I prefer the mountains over the beach, but we really enjoyed that trip. And yes, I’m so glad the words are finally flowing for me.

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