I always look forward to Fridays. The end of the week, the start of the upcoming weekend. However, I hate to see this week wrap up. Why? I’ve been on vacation. My husband and I have spent the past three days in a cabin near Broken Bow, Oklahoma. Not our fanciest vacation and certainly not the farthest place we’ve been, but these few days of rest and relaxation is just what we needed.

We lucked out on the weather. The temps were cooler than usual. It rained on Wednesday. It was nice to sit inside the cabin and hear thunder and the patter of rain on the tin roof.

Wednesday night we went to a local pizza place and tap room known as Grateful Head. (The owners are Grateful Dead fans.) Thursday we drove through Beaver’s Bend State Park and took a few photos of the lake.

I did a little reading and even managed to write a few words on my WIP.  But all good things must come to an end, so it’s back home today. Our cats will be happy.

And now, this week’s writing links:

From Story Empire:

From Other Sites:


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20 Responses

  1. The cabin and surrounding areas look so relaxing. Lovely pictures, Joan. I hope you had a wonderful time. Glad you got some work done on the WIP (you know I’m anxiously waiting!).

    Thanks for including one of my RU posts. You have a great list of links!

  2. Joan, I would love to be at a cabin like that. I’m a beach person, but I love the woods and lake seclusion too. It sounds like a fabulous vacation to me. The photos are gorgeous!
    I’m glad you got some writing time in. Welcome back!

    • Mae, we went to the beach last year and enjoyed it immensely. Although, I’m really a mountain person. But this place was so nice and relaxing. (And not far from home, so its a good place for a quick getaway.)

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