Hey, everyone. It’s that time of year again. Yes, Halloween is just around the corner, but it’s also time for Teri Polen’s annual event, Bad Moon Rising. Am I the only one who automatically thinks of the Creedence Clearwater Revival song when this time of year rolls around? Probably not.

Teri works tirelessly each year to host and promote thirty-one authors – a post each day of the month. I’m delighted to take part in this event again, but first a little bit about Teri.
She is the author of several books. The Insurgent and Subject A-36 are in the YA/dystopian/sci-fi genre. The Gemini Connection is YA/sci-fi/thriller, and Sarah is YA/thriller/horror. She also has a time travel story included in the anthology Quantum Wanderlust.
Today, you’ll find me at Teri’s site where I talk about my upcoming release A Death at The Inn. Hope to see you there!
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