Hey y’all. (Yes, I’m showing my Texas roots.) It’s been months, but I’ve decided to bring back a regular Friday feature. I enjoyed writing my week in review posts. Last fall life got in the way, and before I realized it months had passed without me posting one.

Since it’s the first Friday of August, I thought this would be a good time to resume them. So what’s going on in my world this week? Hubs took some vacation time, so I also decided to take a few days. We didn’t do a long “get away” vacation this year, but its good to have some time to relax. As I said in my Tuesday post, I’m trying to devlote more time to reading.

Speaking of reading, if you want something short and easy, but that will keep you entertained, check out my review of The Scout by D. L. Cross.

And now, here are this week’s writing links:

From Story Empire:

From Other Sites:

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20 Responses

  1. I dearly love weekly round-up style posts. Lately, it’s the only way I can even come close to keeping up with the blogs I love. Thanks for this, Joan, and I hope your schedule allows you to continue. I’ll look forward to checking out your links! 🙂

    • Thanks, Marcia. I look forward to getting back into a regular schedule. I have a couple of other things planned beginning next week, so be sure to check in on Monday.

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