Okay, whenever a new month and year rolls around, I can’t help but wonder what happened to the last one. Why does time seem to fly? So, I’m not going to mention the previous month except to say we’ve made it to February.

So far, winter has been fairly mild here in Texas. Just cold and damp enough to make life miserable. We don’t get snow every year, so once again, I’m looked back into my photo archives for this one:

Taken in February 2011, this is a view from my front porch. This year, my daffodils are up and will bloom within a few days. Of course, I have seen daffodils in the snow:

We had a light dusting of snow in March 2010. Who knows what will happen before spring arrives. But for now, it’s time for this week’s writing links:

On this site:

On Story Empire:

On other fabulous sites:

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26 Responses

  1. We’ve been really fortunate to have had a mild winter this year, but It also has me kind of worried. Our two worst blizzards in PA (93 and 96) happened in March. Hopefully, no repeats I 2020, LOL!
    Happy Friday, Joan!

  2. I’m from Indiana. We never know what to expect, the weather changes so often. But it’s been a mild winter here, too. So far. It’s still early for us. Have a great weekend!

    • We’ve had a mild winter also. And yes, our weather changes rapidly at times. We have a saying, “If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute and it will change.”

    • We do have some crazy weather in Texas. One year toward the end of March, we visited the Botanical Gardens in Ft. Worth. Flowers and trees were in bloom. We spent the night in Arlington. We knew a cold front was coming through, but imagine my surprise when I looked out the window of the hotel to see snow on several cars, including ours!

  3. As always, Joan, your photos are beautiful and your collection of links, fantastic!! Sorry I’m late to the party, but I was doing last minute work on my local wildlife presentation, and that nearly always ends up with me being behind. Still, I wouldn’t miss one of your Week in Review posts for anything, and you can bet I’m sharing this one! THANKS! 🙂

  4. Reblogged this on The Write Stuff and commented:

    I’m running a bit late sharing this, as is typical for weeks when I’m doing a local presentation, but Joan’s Week in Review posts are too good not to share. For busy folks like me who can’t always follow their favorite blogs, this is a huge help. Check out all the great links (in addition to Joan’s beautiful photography) and then pass this along to the Immediate World! Thanks, and thanks to Joan for compiling such a useful post. 🙂 <3

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