Hey, everyone. Wow! September is moving right along. Can you believe the autumn equinox is in three days?

I pulled this picture from my September 2008 archives. I was out for an evening walk when I snapped this photo. It’s another taken with my little Sanyo 8 megapixel camera. Not a bad shot, huh?

I how the setting sun kisses the swirling clouds. The one in the center almost looks like a funnel cloud, but there were no storms in the area. So far no stories inspired by this pic but I have considered writing a story in which there is a tornado.

I don’t have as many links this week. If you read yesterday’s post, you know I spent much of the week redesigning my website and fell behind in visiting blogs. But here we go:

On this blog or posts about my books:

On Story Empire:

On Other Writing Sites:

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17 Responses

    • Thanks, Craig. Hope your weekend is a good one. Story Empire always makes the list but you’ve given me an idea to include links to some of my favorite blog posts for the week!

  1. Great picture, Joan. The clouds look like they are reaching out. Phone cameras can get some great shots. I like the tornado idea. Have a great weekend.

  2. Reblogged this on The Write Stuff and commented:
    Here’s Joan Hall’s weekly recap from last Friday. A couple days late, I know, sorry. But believe me, you’ll still want to take a look at all the great links Joan’s sharing. Thanks for passing them along to others, and thanks to Joan for posting them in such a convenient way. It’s very helpful for those of us who are always running behind these days! 🙂 Enjoy, folks!

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