Hi, everyone. To not have so many posts each week linking to the other sites where I contribute (AIW Press and Story Empire), I’ve decided to do a weekly wrap-up post each Friday. The idea is to free the other days for original content.

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks here for me. We’re expecting surveyors at my day job, and by preparing for that, I’ve come home mentally exhausted each day which is not good for writing. However, I’m still hard at work on the first draft for Unknown Reasons, the sequel to Unseen Motives. I also have a short-story planned for an upcoming anthology (more about that later), and a couple of ideas are floating in my head for two free-standing novels. So many ideas, so little time to write.

Anyhow, let’s get to this week’s links.

Monday at Story Empire, fellow author P. H. Solomon shared some tips on using Scrivener. If you’re a writer and haven’t tried this software, I highly recommend it. I can’t imagine using anything else to write and compile my manuscripts. To read the post, click here.

On Wednesday, Craig Boyack wrote about blogging. Craig has a highly successful blog (and I need to take his advice and be more active here.) You can read his post by clicking this link.

This week was my time to post at AIW Press and where I provided some tips on proofreading a manuscript.

Each Friday, all six Story Empire authors offer a curated content post. We add links to some of the best articles we’ve found around the web with writing and promotional tips. There’s a lot of good stuff, so be sure to check out today’s post.

That’s a wrap up for this week. Wishing everyone a happy weekend. I’ll be posting at Story Empire on Monday and in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band, I’ve managed to tie it to writing. Hey, I’m a Beatles fan. What can I say? Be safe, everyone!

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6 Responses

    • I’m surprised at the number of young people who are fans. Those who weren’t born until long after they broke up. So yes, they do withstand the test of time.

  1. The Beatles have been on my mind with all the beta reading projects lately. It seems I too get by with a little help from my friends.

    • Staci’s post from this week inspired me. I had no idea what I was going to write about until I read it. But the Beatles’ music often inspires me or makes me happy.

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