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Today in America is a national holiday, Martin Luther King Day. Sadly, I remember the day this civil rights leader was gunned down by an assassin in April, 1968. I was too young at the time to know about the importance of his work, but when I heard the news flash on TV, I knew he was someone important and rushed to tell my parents.
Later, I studied about him and came to know about the importance of what he believed in. And his famous “I Have a Dream” speech is amazing.
But today, we celebrate the anniversary of his birth and his life. Fellow author Staci Trolio also points out that Dr. King was a prolific writer. You can read her post and what we as authors can learn from him by visiting Story Empire.
Source: Writing Lessons Learned from the Work of Dr. King | Story Empire
3 Responses
Thanks for sharing, Joan.
Glad to share, Staci!
[…] http://www.joanhall.net/writing-lessons-learned-from-the-work-of-dr-king-story-empire/ “To me, it doesn’t matter what a writer writes. Nonfiction, fiction. Literary or genre. Poetry. Blog post… It’s all literature, and it all exists because an author had a message to share with the world. Why not publish that message, all messages, by being urgent, prolific, clear, and empathetic authors?” Literary work is something I couldn’t see myself as writing. I think it’s because I spent so much of my married life hearing that I didn’t have anything important to say. I do hope my stories inspire others don’t get me wrong. I just feel myself teetering on unfamiliar ground when it comes to literary. Maybe the future will change my mind. […]