Hey everyone. It’s been a few weeks since I last posted here. Truthfully, I didn’t intend for it to be that long. When I last checked in, I had been working from home for about a week. I had always wondered what that would be like. Now, I know.

It’s not all it’s cracked up to be! Yes, I saved on gas. I saved time by not having a half-hour commute each way. I didn’t have to put on make-up or wear office clothes. When I finished for the day, I could transfer from my desk to the sofa for a bit of unwinding or sit outside for a while if the weather permitted.

But work-wise, I was busier than ever. I was assigned two major projects that took me some time to complete. I’m the system manager for a software program we use, so I had to deal with a few things related to that. I had transferred my office phone to my cell and I probably received more phone calls each day than I do in the office.

I had hoped that saving drive time would enable me to write more. Wrong! At the end of each day, I was exhausted. A couple of blog posts for Story Empire was about all I managed. My job requires a lot of analytical thinking, so I found it nearly impossible to turn on my creative thinking at the end of each day.

I’m happy to report that I went back to the office two weeks ago. I have to say I’m more rested each day than when I worked from home. Yes, things are different. I have to mask up when I enter the hospital. Each employee is screened when they enter the building and only certain entrances are open. Things are different. However, I took this photo outside the front entrance on my first day back.

Rather nice, isn’t it?

But enough about work and on to writing. I’m planning to ease back into blogging. I also have a novel to finish as well as a short story. I had hoped to publish the short story (a prequel to the novel) in March and the first book of my Legends of Maderia series later this month. Neither are finished, so it will be late summer or fall at the earliest.

As far as blogging and social media, I’m cutting back some in order to write what I love – fiction. I won’t be doing my Friday links posts as it’s too time-consuming to read and gather those links. I do plan to create either a page with links to my favorite sites or list them in the sidebar.

Mystery Mondays will continue. Again, the research for those takes time, but it’s something I enjoy. I may have one ready next week, if not I’ll begin on May 18. I’ll share a Thursday Thought now and then as well as Tuesday Book Shares. And of course, I’m open to guest bloggers if you have a new book release or want to promote an older book. You can also find me on Story Empire along with six other authors where we share tips and news about writing fiction.

How are you doing during these crazy days? I’d love to hear from you, so please leave a comment.


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24 Responses

  1. Maybe there’s something about commuting back home from a job that gives your brain a hard break so it can switch to the creative mode.

    I’m personally fine, but I’m sure worried about the economy.

    • Glad you know you’re doing okay, Priscilla. I too am concerned about the economy. I have come to realize how much I missed my drive time. The afternoon commute is my time to unwind and I usually listen to music (which often inspires me to write).

  2. Happy to see you back, Joan! Hubby started working from home about 5 weeks ago. Wasn’t a fan at first, but will be going back to the office on Monday – now that he’s gotten comfortable at home, lol. I think Priscilla might be right – maybe you used that drive time to de-stress and switch gears.

    • Teri, I agree – my drive time (especially in the afternoon) is a time to relax and unwind. Glad your husband was able to work from home and that he’s going back to the office. And yes, it is an adjustment.

  3. Congratulations on getting back to work and back on track. It is an adjustment, working from home. Not everyone takes to it. It took me a while, but now, even though I miss seeing people, I don’t think I’d like to go back to a daily commute and all that goes along with an office job. Glad you’ve decided it works for you!

    And welcome back to blogging.

    • Thanks, Staci. I think if I was able to write full time (and had the freedom to get out and go places when I wanted) working from home wouldn’t have been so bad. But after a while, I was about to go stir crazy. And can I say I’m a little spoiled to double computer monitors and an efficient work station? 🙂

  4. Great to see you back, Joan! We are all making adjustments to the things going on around us right now, and it’s not easy. I work from home and love it, but my work doesn’t involve anyone but ME, so it’s a whole different thing. Trying to do so when you aren’t really set up for it is quite difficult, and made worse by so many factors outside your control these days. I’m glad you’re happy to be back to your office!

    I will definitely miss your weekly links post, but I fully understand the amount of time it takes to put something like that together. I’m just glad you’re back and will be blogging what you can, when you can. 🙂 <3

    • Thanks, Marcia. As I told Staci, if I was writing full time working from home wouldn’t be bad. But it’s hard to do my job from the house. Grateful I was able to work those few weeks, unlike so many who have lost their jobs.

  5. Welcome back to the blogosphere, Joan! I’m only newly returned myself and can SO RELATE to how difficult it’s been to maintain creative energy during this pandemic.

    Congratulations on going back to work. What a gorgeous entrance to the hospital!

    I’m hoping it won’t be that much longer until I can return to work as well, but right now still no word on my county reopening. I look forward to seeing your blog posts moving ahead. Hopefully, I will even manage a few myself 🙂

    • I’m glad you’re back as well, Mae. Hope you’ll be able to get back to your office soon. I just wish this whole nightmare would end.

      We do have a pretty place to work and that day was gorgeous. The fountain is called “The Fountain of Hope” in honor of our cancer patients. Rather fitting for the times we’re in. Yes things have been bleak, but there is hope.

  6. I’m all over the place with it. I’ve been super productive in working from home, but it doesn’t leave much time for reading, Internet chores, and blogging. I haven’t had much to say by not going out and about. I miss commuting with the Muse. I get some of my best ideas during the commutes. I think my office is going to try making this more of a regular thing. Less rent for them, etc. I’m not a fan, but also don’t have a choice.

  7. I’ve been busier than ever, spending several hours per day helping my grandchildren with their on-line learning, that I wasn’t doing prior to COVID-19. I have to say they are getting very tired of it. At first, it was a novelty. Now, they just want to zoom through the lessons, skip the tutorials, and go straight to the tests. Are they learning? I’d say no, but they’re satisfying the minimum requirements. We are all praying that schools reopen in the fall. It’s good to have you back. You were missed. Stay well!

    • Thanks, Jan. I missed everyone as well and hope to get back into a routine of visiting. I’m sure a lot of kids are getting bored with homeschooling, especially since we’re nearing the end of the school year. I do hope we go back to “normal” in the fall.

      BTW, did you happen to see the Blue Angels fly over Dallas this week? Wish I could have seen them.

  8. I definitely haven’t had any downtime during this, and less got done. But I think its been good to relook at what we do and put our focus on what we enjoy. Adapting to all this change seems like its kept all of us in a different state of mind.

    • I agree. We’ve become so busy in this day and age. If anything, this did stop us to stop and think about the things that are really important.

  9. I am wrapping up my first ever experience at teaching on line–and, WRITING of all things! It is nigh unto impossible! No LOL!
    That said, I have still found time to do some projects around the yard and have potted or temporarily “parked” most of my plants that were against the house and detached garage in anticipation of power washing and painting–NO we are not taking that on; we are contracting it out. First repairs to the hardy plank siding, then the power wash, then the painter. I think I’m going a dark green with a light green trim. My brick is mostly pinkish. All of that has to be accomplished before the 100 degree days start in. The projects I had planned for summer–all book related–are off the table, no groups of over ten to celebrate things “bookish” or literary projects that involve book drives…Sigh…

    • You have been busy and sounds as if you have some projects that will keep you that way for a while.

      It’s unfortunate that so many of our “regular” activities have been brought to a halt. But I try to look for silver linings during this rather than focusin on the negatives.

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