Changes. The word reminds me of an old David Bowie song. And if you now have an earworm (like I do), I’ll say, “You’re welcome.” After all, that is a good song.

But seriously, this post doesn’t have anything to do with music. Most of you know I cut back on my blogging last year due to health issues. I had two different sites – this blog – and my website. Because I hate ads on blogs, I paid for a subscription to keep them off this site. As it turns out, the subscription cost for this site is more than the annual fee for my self-hosted website.

So, in an effort to simplify things, I’m moving the blog over to my website. I plan to keep (for now) the domain of and redirect it to my website. However, the new blog address is

I’ve imported all my old posts and comments but have been unsuccessful in importing all my followers. If you’d like to follow along, you can subscribe there, or add the above address to your reader.

Still, I don’t plan to blog often, at least for the foreseeable future. My primary method of communication will be through my monthly newsletter. If you’d like to subscribe, you can do so by clicking this link.

Speaking of newsletters, if you have a new book coming out and would like me to feature it, just contact me. My email is (No erotica.)

That’s it for now. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and I wish you all the best for 2025.

If you’d like to listen to David, here you go!

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31 Responses

  1. I love this song, Joan. Great way to start out the week. I hoped over and subscribed or resubscribe. Sending hugs xo

    • Thanks, Denise. You’ve been on my mind this week, and I’d planned to email you. I know the fires are in Southern California, but I thought of you. Hope you’re safe!

      • Thank you, Joan! It’s horrible what’s happening there. I hope our state gets some rain soon, we’ve gotten much more than them. Hate to see our area on the list of potential issues like those, too. Still love the mountains though…xo

  2. Sounds like a good plan, Joan. I’ve been thinking of doing the same though I’m not quite ready to give up the blog quite yet. Change is inevitable and it’s good to acknowledge it and go with it. Hugs.

  3. Yep. Now I have an earworm. Congrats on moving your blog. The same thing happened with me (the losing subscribers part) but it’s starting to build back up and I don’t regret the change. Heading over to subscribe to the new site!

    • That’s great news, Jan. I don’t know how often I’ll blog, but I don’t want to give it up completely. It just makes sense to have one site to maintain.

      And I’m glad to provide an earworm! LOL Maybe I should put that song in a playlist for a book! 🙂

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