Hey, y’all. It’s Friday again. (Yeah!) That means it’s time for another weekly wrap up. I’m changing the format a little this week. Since I decided to add a Thursday Thoughts post, I’ll make Fridays simpler.

I’ve created a custom graphic for my Friday posts. But since I love to take photographs, especially of the beautiful outdoors, I’ll throw one in each week and include the story behind it.

Faulkner Park, August 2009

I pulled this photo from my archives. I took it with my first digital camera, a little 8 megapixel Sanyo back in 2009. This is a nearby park with a walking/jogging trail surrounding the lake.

Sound familiar? If you’ve read Unclear Purposes you know the opening scene of Chapter One is set in a similar location.

This is the place I envisioned when I wrote the first chapter. I’ve walked the lakeside trail many times and am happy to report I’ve never had an encounter like my characters, Christine and Vince. If you look at the pine trees on the left, the trail makes a little curve there. In my mind, it’s the spot where Christine discovers the body.

Intrigued? Click on the link above to learn more about the third and final novel of the Driscoll Lake Series.

And now, here are this week’s writing links.

On This Blog:

From Story Empire:

From Other Writing Sites:

To Encourage You:

Discover more from Joan Hall

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41 Responses

  1. Lol–only an author would pass such an idyllic place and think, “now, where could I place a body to be discovered?” πŸ˜€

    I love the concept of this “peak behind the scenes”!

  2. As soon as I saw that photo (which is gorgeous, BTW), I thought of the lake in Unclear Purposes. Isn’t it cool how places we’ve visited create a basis for some of our work? I frequently do that when writing.
    Happy Friday, Joan!

  3. Ooooh! I love seeing the real life inspiration for the book. The area is gorgeous. And what a great photo from an 8 megapixel camera.

    Great links, Joan. And I love the new look and direction of these posts.

  4. Finally made it! Better late than never, I guess. (I made that up. No, really. I did. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ ) I love your new Friday Week in Review graphic and your photo idea is fantastic. I’m going to look forward to these, for sure. Especially since you’ve also included a wonderful selection of links. (These round-up posts are SO helpful to me!) Thanks for the gorgeous photo and for letting us see your inspiration for Driscoll Lake. Sharing! πŸ™‚ <3

  5. Reblogged this on The Write Stuff and commented:
    Joan Hall’s Week in Review post for this past Friday is one you should definitely check out. I was late getting there, but so glad I finally made it. Great photo (with story) and super links this week. Don’t forget to share, thanks, and thanks to Joan for putting it all together for us. πŸ™‚

  6. Thanks for sharing the links, Joan. The photo is beautiful. I find it amazing how we can get inspiration from a photo or a place that leads to an entire novel. I can just picture the scene now.

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